The Bride

3.3| 1h24m| en

150 years after she was raped and murdered on her wedding day, the Vengeful Spirit of Aiyana The Apache Warrior Princess comes back and possesses the body of a young bride that faced the same death as her. Fueled with unseen rage, The Bride rains down her gruesome vengeance upon those who took away her life and her true love.


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SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
shawnblackman A woman and her soon to be husband are kidnapped by a few guys and taken out to the woods where she is raped then both are killed. They make a mistake and bury them by a tree that is cursed by a bride who was raped and killed and has mysterious powers. Oops. The vengeful spirit jumps into her body springing her into taking revenge action.The film doesn't really go anywhere we haven't been but does almost seem like Avenged (2013) and of course borrows heavily from I Spit On Your Grave. I found it boring and just regurgitated themes. You don't really care about any of the characters.Leave this bride at the altar.
dcarsonhagy First of all, I watched this On Demand. It was "advertised" as being "in Spanish (sub-titled"). I thought since this might be a movie from Mexico--and I did like "Mexico Barbosa," I thought what the heck. Well, the movie was NOT sub-titled. Why that happened I guess I'll never know. But it gets way worse.Supposedly a tale about a vengeful Apache warrior princess whose husband (and everyone else) got massacred on her wedding day. Her spirit is looking for someone to help her avenge this wrongdoing. Uh, anyone else besides me seen "Avenged"? This could have been a really bad remake of an already real bad movie, but amazingly this mess made "Avenged" look like an Oscar contender. This was a direct rip-off of that movie: same premise, same disgusting gang rape scene, same men lacking opposable thumbs, same bad effects. Someone ought to sue somebody. This steaming pile of feces was awful--from the acting, to the directing, to the writing, to the editing, to the non-special effects, yep, it touched on all bases. I can always tell when there really is no talented screen writer because the dialogue usually turns to non- stop "F" bombs. There is no character development. There is nothing.Unrated for rape, sodomy, language, and graphic violence. Awful, and not recommended.
Caitlin Darcy I must say this is definitely not an instant classic horror, nor is it bursting with originality. I did find the whole killing based on "something borrowed, something new ..." innovative and cool. But the rest is very much what you would expect from a low budget B Horror movie in matter of story, shallow characters, Quality of FX, or overall substance. If you watch horror movies as much as I do, you will find very similar elements from the overly used revenge horror recipe (See: The Crow, I Spit on your grave, The last house on the left, Eden Lake, etc.) As a woman I'm always up for watching any movie with a kick ass female lead; with the right budget for a proper production The Bride could've been a cool contender, but the limitation of a small budget, novice actors, and lack of great editors (The sound and colour correction needs work) The Bride was brought to her knees.
edr-109-174539 I bet that a Bunch of kids can get together and come out with a better Movie Acting and direction. Except for her, The Actors are probably recruited for the Side walk in front of the Studio, and if they didn't, they should have been paid with Pizza. or paid by the Hour and the Story Plot Though it sounded Interesting as a Bride comes back for revenge " Sort of like KILL BILL" but when you start watching the only thing you will think about is: what the hell is that!!!! All in all this will Rank among your worst Hour and twenty Minutes ever spent in front of the Screen, and you will probably finish it because it is short anyway.

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