The Bunnyman Massacre

2014 "One by one, they all fall down."
3.9| 1h30m| en

Joe and Bunnyman's adventure continue in a rural ghost town. Bunnyman's blood lust knows no bounds, as he slaughters indiscriminately anything that crosses his path. Joe is all too happy to encourage his behavior, selling the dead victims as beef jerky in his local store. In addition to Joe's body disposal problem, the local sheriff becomes suspicious with the disappearance of a few of his deputies. His investigation crosses paths with two persistent sisters, that refuse to die at the hands of Joe and Bunnyman. Some will live, and some will die, but all will be damaged..


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KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Leofwine_draca THE BUNNYMAN MASSACRE is an indie sequel follow-up to the original BUNNYMAN which once again features the misadventures of a killer dressed in a rabbit costume who wields a chainsaw and a variety of tools and implements to take down his victims. HARVEY this isn't. It opens on a particularly sadistic note, featuring a lot of blood and a lot of nudity, before slipping into tedium with the usual slasher tropes and problems associated with low budget filmmaking. Stilted performances abound.
howardskillz I feel you. B-movie horror films and the creature feature sub-genre as a whole have more than run their respective courses. We are all pretty much at the point where we start a movie, realize it's yet another creature feature, and I immediately roll my eyes. Yet, every now and again one comes across that grabs me. The Bunnyman Massacre did just that.It's no secret that I love monster movies. They're the chicken soup for our collective souls. So give me one with a creative passion; and you immediately have my attention. From the jump we're introduced to bizarre surreal scene of a giant killer Bunnyman killing kids on a school bus. Now, I have seen countless horror films including every permitation of a zombie, vampire, monster possible. However, I have not see a giant Bunnyman in a film before, and certainly not one with a dark scene of humor killing kids on a school bus.
tdrish So, when we last left off our Bunnymans crazy adventures, we learned that he was going around slashing victims offscreen with a chainsaw, for reasons that were very unclear. Now, he's back, in a blood soaked sequel. Why, you may be wondering? That's what I would like to know. Why do we need this needless sequel? Less dialogue then the original Bunnyman, and TONS more blood and gore. This time, Bunnyman has upped his game, and is not only using the chainsaw, but has graduated to using knives and various weapons as well...and has become a little more energetic with the kills ( I'm talking multiple multiple MULTIPLE stab wounds, gosh, she's dead, take her pulse, d***head!) I almost did not even bother with this one, when I saw him get on a school bus with innocent children, and started his chainsaw. Now, what have all these kids done to you, that you decide to off them off, you sick demented bunny? Unfortunately, this movie isn't that much of an upgrade from the 2011 Bunnyman...except for the kills. And, let's face it, you're watching a slasher movie for one reason, and that's to see some gruesome, bloody kills, right? Try to bypass the ones that have already been done ( for example, a girl is beaten repeatedly over rocks in her camping sleeping bag, didn't we see this in Friday The 13th Part 7 ? ) For a slasher flick, it delivers the goods, and for that, I have rewarded it with an extra star then what I have given the original Bunnyman. Way to go! Kudos to No One Cares Productions( Heh heh HA! That's an actual company?) It's not given 4 stars because it is a good movie, that, I can reassure you, it is NOT. However, for its genre, it is an all right slasher movie. I can't guarantee I will watch Bunnyman 3 , which is due out here in a few months...I think I'm done with cuddly cute costume killer movies. They're all over done!
Jeff Towns This is a horror movie through and through. Not sure what the other reviewer was smoking, but this is a horror film very much in the style of retro 80's horror film icons like Jason. To be more specific, this is a slasher film in the best possible way. We have a killer who is seemingly indestructible killing various people at his whim. What this title character differs in is that he has more of a personality then Jason. In fact, this entire film has a weird quirky sense of humor about it. As noted in the opening school bus scene. I would highly recommend this film to anyone who likes horror films that fall into the little bit of quirky side.

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