The Candy Snatchers

1973 "It started as such a simple crime. For 16 year old Candy, dying would have been easier! Was a piece of Candy worth a fortune in diamonds?"
6.3| 1h35m| R| en

A nonverbal autistic boy stumbles upon a teenage heiress who has been kidnapped by a trio of young psychopaths, who are intent on extorting diamonds from her stepfather.


Producted By

Marmot Productions


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Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
preppy-3 16 year old Candy Philips (played by 21 year old Susan Sennett) is kidnapped by a group of psychos--Jessie (Tiffany Bolling), REAL sick Alan (Brad David) and Eddy (Vincent Martorano). They contact her father and demand jewels in return for her...but her dad won't do it. Things unravel completely from there. There's also a subplot about an autistic child being verbally and physically abused by his mom.This is clearly not for everybody. it was a complete ripoff of "Last House on the Left" but it's much better than that film. "Last" was sick, disgusting and badly made. "Candy" is sick but not as vicious or cruel as "Last". Also it's MUCH better made. It has a good script with many twists and turns, all the acting is good (especially by Bolling and Martorano) and the last 10 minutes or so go barreling out of control. This is unique in there's not one likable character in it...even Candy got on my nerves! It's disturbing and sometimes brutal but a very good grindhouse film. I give it a 7.
PeteStud If you are a fan of sleazy 70s American Drive in Exploitive fare like me..and I'm not talking by numbers trash like Friedman's TRADER HORNEE or WHAM BAM SPACEMAN or PLEASE Don't EAT MY MOTHER either. I'm talking high grade like BLOOD AND LACE, THE TODD KILLINGS, WHEN YOU COMING BACK RED RYDER,POOR WHITE TRASH II, FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE, WHITE DOG, LEMORA, SWITCHBLADE SISTERS and THE BABY. If you like 'em mean and bleak this underrated and highly disturbing flick is for you. In my opinion this surpasses the excellent but slightly disappointing LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT by miles in sheer queasiness. Powerful evil men and strong woman characters raise this well above the average b grade clunker. Make no mistake there are real messages to be found in this film about violence that predates even a CLOCKWORK ORANGE. I thoroughly recommend it and this DVD release by Subversive (thank you!!!) is absolutely lovingly brilliant. There is a awesome featurette with in depth, decent questions being answered both by Susan Senet and Tiffany Bolling who are both striking even today. I urge all horror enthusiasts to give this angry violent film a whirl. You may not love it as much as I do but you will have to admit it is way better than average in a genre that is full of clueless try hard crap. I give it 10/10.
capkronos An innocent Catholic schoolgirl named Candy (played by Susan Sennett of BIG BAD MAMA fame), daughter of a jewelry store manager, is kidnapped by a trio of small time criminals who plan on handing her back over to her family in exchange for diamonds from the father's store. In the meantime, poor Candy is tied up, gagged and even buried alive with only a pipe sticking out of the ground for breathing! If the criminals don't get what they want, they claim they'll kill her. Trouble is, Candy's father is actually a stepfather (not to mention an adulterous sociopath!) and he's happy she's been kidnapped because he wants her dead anyway so he can collect a multi-million dollar insurance policy! And that's not even half the story! THE CANDY SNATCHERS is a genuine sleeper that's well worth your time. It has what most other 70s exploitation movies lack; a well-written screenplay full of clever twists and turns. Just when you think you have an idea where the film is going, you're thrown for a loop. Also surprising is the overall quality of the acting. Playing the tough-as-nails female kidnapper, Tiffany Bolling (KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS) is the only one of the main stars I recognize in the cast, and this is easily the best performance I've ever seen from her. The other lead actors are also very competent, especially Ben Piazza as the most remorseless, cold, greedy, evil and completely unsympathetic stepfather imaginable. There's a lot of brutality, two violent rapes, child abuse, some gore (a shotgun blast to the face, a stabbing, etc.), a little (retarded?) mute boy who knows what's going on but can't communicate it to anyone and a brief cameo by James Whitworth (THE HILLS HAVE EYES) getting beat over the head with a board. The ending is absolutely PRICELESS and effectively ties up all the loose ends.Definitely a keeper. Check it out.
hokeybutt THE CANDY SNATCHERS (3 outta 5 stars) Very nasty, ugly movie about a trio of luckless kidnappers who abduct a teenage girl and bury her alive. They call up her stepfather, a diamond merchant, and ask for a fortune in diamonds as ransom. Well, wouldn't you know it... the stepfather has been looking for a way to get rid of the bratty young teen anyway as he stands to make a lot of cash after her untimely demise. A young mute boy happens to see where the kidnappers bury the girl but, being mute, he can't make her whereabouts known to the police and his shrieking shrew of a mother won't listen to him anyway. The kidnappers get more and more desperate and the violence and depravity become more and more extreme... ending the movie in one of the most nihilistic and gutwrenching finales ever seen on film. Anyone who thought movies like "Natural Born Killers" or "The Devil's Rejects" were rough-going... well, you ain't seen nothing' yet.