Really Surprised!
A waste of 90 minutes of my life
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Roman Sampson
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
This is something as unusual as a modern Swedish horror movie. I wish I could say it is good, but... it contains ALL the clichés, it is low budget, the actors are very amateurish, and all in all you notice it is a production not made by pros. Sometimes such movies can still be rewarding, but then they need instead a better script, better dialogue (and more talented actors). I am not sure I understood the ending either...Still it was not THAT bad. It had a creepy atmosphere partly, I got quite scared a few times, and the last few minutes were very exciting. Except, as I said, that I did not understand the ending, which is one of the basic requirements of a story I think. I would have wanted some explanation to all the strange happenings. Some solution to the mystery. I got a feeling that there was really more to it, but that the young people who made the movie had run out of funds or time or something. It left a very unfinished feeling.
I read that "Huset vid vägens ände" was supposed to be a good and scary movie. If you want to, you can stop reading after this sentence: It's not.Three guys and a girl go to a house they've rented to work on their art projects. The house is of course located right in the middle of nowhere, and as soon as they get there some weird stuff starts happening. It almost becomes a little scary for a while in the beginning, but then it just goes on and on and becomes more boring and stupid as it continues. I'm not lying when I tell you that the last ten minutes of the movie consists of a guy walking. And walking. And walking. And walking. Then they throw in a stupid twist which is illogical and dumb, probably hoping that the audience will become confused and think they've seen something really scary since they don't understand what happened.And the scary face on the DVD cover? Not in the movie.
Many people have big problem's with the movie because it's a cheap student movie from Sweden. Yes i know that all of you have seen all this in other movies and the whole idea is not new.But i love it! No Hollywood and no money. Just a huge love for the genre and making a movie makes this to a great one! They really tries to make a horror movie and i got scared many times in this one. That's a good sign for a horror movie! And like i said the movie have a heart. I think this can be the Swedish "Paranormal Acitivty", a movie that become famous many years after the original release date. This one is made 2003 but released on DVD this year.See this and think about the big work behind the movie!