The Challenge

5.1| 1h42m| en

Welcome to the future. Civilization has been obliterated by natural catastrophes and global economic collapse. In the rotting skeletons of once great cities, the remnants of mankind struggle to survive under the brutal reign of vicious warlords who rule by fear and the power of the fist. The only hope for a courageous band of street urchins is the brave fighter Jonas, the last surviving keeper of the secrets of an ancient martial arts dynasty. Jonas must challenge the heartless Bosco in a fight for freedom or death ... only then can he become master of mankind's destiny.


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Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
2freensel I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Horst in Translation ([email protected]) And this refers to the fact that almost nobody from the cast and crew of this film is still working prolifically in their respective fields. This includes especially writer and director Johannes Jaeger, who made this 100-minute movies based on a short film he wrote earlier in his career. This includes lead actor Mathis Landwehr as well, who is clearly a casting decision in terms of looks over talent. There were a couple situations in here when he was bearable and that was thanks to the supporting actress being even less talented. However, as bad as the acting in here may be, it has nothing on the abysmal writing, especially the dialogs. Good lord, a disaster from start to finish. Completely unfunny, unrealistic comments paired with the actors inability to deliver them convincingly easily makes this one of the worst films of the 21st century. The writing in terms of story wasn't good at all either, but it seemed like a revelation compared to the dialogs. There's better dialogs in porn no doubt about it. The story is very generic. Martial arts student has his master killed and he takes revenge on the one who did it. While doing so, he recovers a priceless book and falls in love with his buddy's sister. The music is a catastrophe as well, mix of hip hop and techno, which fits the tale only in terms of quality, but never in terms of contents. Horrible horrible film and I can only shake my head at other reviewers here who called this a hidden gem. Are you kidding me??? This does not even have German soap opera level. Stay far far away.
kosmasp The director himself said, that this wasn't supposed to be seen in cinemas (it was shown at the Fantasy Filmfest at several cities throughout Germany), but was made for TV. So having that in mind, you might rate it a bit higher than me. And the director seemed like a nice guy (he even showed his movie in China at a festival and they loved it there, he told us). Why the loved it? One can guess because they didn't really catch onto the fact, that the people "acting" in this movie, couldn't really be called actors and so they just enjoyed the action scenes instead.And if you're only out for the action, than you will enjoy this too. But if you're looking for something deeper, something meaningful, stay away from this film. Apart from the fact, that there's no real acting in this movie, there's also no story to found anywhere near it also. There are of course other martial arts movies who were great, with little-to-none story also, but they had even better fight scenes. That of course brings us back to the beginning: This movie did not have much money/a big budget! I don't think it deserves more than 3 points (out of 10), but I might have considered some of the facts I listed above into my vote ...
StevinTasker Paying homage to the post apocalyptic genre with echoes of stories like Fist of the North Star, Cyborg and the Postman this movie is infused with adrenalin, enthusiasm, rage, excitement, and action. It has a huge heart and the fact that it was made on a limited budget is testament to the skill and passion of those involved. They say that first time features made with limited financial support will have failings somewhere around Lighting, Script, Score and CGI. I am pleased to say that the piece is effectively lit even when filmed in cavernous tunnels. I rather like the CGI; it's obvious of course, but it offers a unique visual vista and blends well with the other outdoor scenes. The script, well, I watched the movie in German with English subtitles and found that the characters, although very familiar, (the hero falls somewhere between Kenshiro and Robin Hood) were comfortable rather than caricature. When the lead was doing voice over to convey his thoughts it really worked well for me, there was something about the sound of his voice that gave what I was reading some resonance. I thought the score generally worked well. I have some difficulty in accepting techno music in any setting; thankfully for me, its unwelcome intrusion was brief. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the fight choreography and the stunt work. In addition to all this, some of the cinematography was extremely effective, especially the two wonderful sweeping shots on top of the building during the final showdown. I won't pretend that the story is anything new but it is carried off with such bare faced enthusiasm and more than a little respect for the genre that I can't help but like it. I tracked this down from the makers own website. I'm glad to say that I was happy to pay the few euros for such a great product.
xcver This movie was set up after two successful short movies called Kampfansage. With a film budget of just 300.000 Euro and about 30 days too short this movie came in incredibly good. The market for German produced martial arts is virtually nil and this could be seen as a mile stone. Although It'll most probably not appear in German cinemas (except the Fantasy Filmfest 2005) it was shown with great success at a film festival in Shanghai and will be marketed in China.The movie plays in the latter 2040's in a war tattered Germany. Europe and most probably the rest of the world has fallen into utter chaos after long years of fighting. Technology has vanished and the rise of martial arts has begun. An Evil ruler tried to conquer all of Germany and kill the present martial arts masters there. but was killed at the hands of the last remaining master. his children bosco and cleo now carry on his legacy and bring down the last master and his last disciple or so they thought...what will ensue now is a mix of nicely done battles and sometimes humor as well. Jaeger manages to mix it together despite lacking time and resources to shoot scenes the way they are shot in Asia or USA.I'm giving it a 9 out of 10 for sheer innovation and fun value. I'll buy the DVD as soon as it hits the shelves...