The Cohasset Snuff Film

2012 "No one took him seriously. They do now."
4.1| 1h25m| NR| en

In 2009, the small town of Cohasset, Massachusetts was rocked with tragedy. A 17-year-old high school senior named Collin Mason murdered three classmates. All the murders were videotaped and uploaded to the Internet via bit torrent sites and for three days, the world viewed the murders of these three innocent teens. Through legal action, the parents of the victims were able to remove all footage from the Internet and the town tried to save face by pretending it never happened. Bootleg copies of this footage are still passed around and downloaded through illegal means. The impact of this video is still being felt in Cohasset today. The video has become infamous, and is now referred to as The Cohasset Snuff Film.


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an Anti-Hero Production


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Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
manuelasaez As a huge fan of found-footage, this has got to be one of the worst, if not the worst, FF film I have ever seen. The lead was beyond incompetent, so much so that he actually ruined the film. His awkward pauses, and uninspired performance just made me laugh out loud, and not in a good way. It was like watching an amateur try to remember his lines. There were some convincing people in this movie, in particular, the rest of the high school cast. But when your lead is that untalented, how can you save the rest of the movie? It had great potential, but honestly, nothing good can be said about the actual finished product. It was just plain terrible. People really need to stop casting family members and friends in their movies, and find people with actual talent instead. It is a shame that the premise was wasted by such a horrible actor. Avoid this film and do not support such shoddy and poorly conceived film making.
tpkwqtlk I read some of the other reviews online and decided to give this film a shot. I am not the biggest indie film fan, let alone a horror movie fan. All I can say is that I was so pleasantly surprised with this movie. I went into it knowing what it was about and knowing the basic plot. What I didn't know was how awesome the story, the timing and the overall atmosphere of the world that you are thrown into was. I though this was just another "found footage" movie, but it is much more than that. It has a great documentary style, with found footage mixed in. I loved how is flipped back and forth and it really drew you into everything that happens. This was a really great movie and like I said, even if you aren't really into the indie and/or horror genre, this is still definitely worth a watch.
sebastianfort This movie is sensational! The view of perspective is highly unique combined with an unpredictable storyline kept me on the edge of my seat. The way this picture is filmed truly brings out an airy feeling throughout. There were no dull moments; each scene was gripping and I found myself attempting to out think the main character on his next move. Being from a small rural town I was connected and understood the "local folk" feel of the film. The story is realistic and can happen anywhere also there is a personal touch that brings you into the realm of Cohasset, Massachusetts. The Cohasset Snuff Film is doused with a touch of twisted humor that was truly enjoyable. I even thought of this film after a few days of watching and the story was still in my thoughts.
David Kingsley Don't judge a movie by it's cover. This is not a slash 'em up gore-fest. Instead they let you into the mind of a killer in order to try to get some incite on what is actually going through his mind.I have never done well while watching "home movies" because of the cameras shakiness, however, this camera work was handled excellent.Steven Wu gives an excellent performance as Colin. Ted Payson did an superb job walking us through every event and lets us see the changes Colin endures throughout the film. There is a lot of talent throughout this film, and personally, I'm really excited to see the other works of Ted Payson, along with where the cast and crew goes from here.