The Consequence

7.2| 1h40m| en

Thomas is the son of a prison warden. He falls for and seduces Martin, who is older and one of the prison inmates. After Martin is released, they try to build a relationship and a life together but, no one will leave them alone.


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
KobusAdAstra This early Wolfgang Petersen film tackles the controversial theme of inter-generational gay love with distinction.A convict, Martin, was jailed for having a sexual relationship with a fifteen year old boy. Martin is an actor and while in jail produces a play written by one of his fellow inmates. He needs a young actor and the son of the jail warden, Thomas, volunteers. Thomas, who is sixteen but looks about 20 (my only - minor - gripe about this film) clearly has gay tendencies and develops a crush on Martin. A relationship results with Thomas illegally staying over in Martin's cell. One of the inmates spills the beans and Martin's parole gets cancelled. He keeps in contact with Thomas, and when released they continue their relationship. Martin decides to play open cards with Thomas's father and informs him about their relationship. The callous warden subsequently stops the relationship en sends his son to a reformatory. It turns into a nightmare for the young man, and changes him psychologically, resulting in serious depression, and worse.This somber film, suitably filmed in B/W, boasts great performances by the protagonists. Directing and script were excellent, with the viewer made aware that some tragedy was in the making, right from the first few minutes. I score this excellent film 8/10.
Rodrigo Amaro An unusual work in Wolfgang Petersen's filmography, "Die Konsequenz" ("The Consequence") is a heartbreaking and unconventional love story, a movie that makes us look at Petersen in a different way, far from the optic we used to know from the director of blockbusters such as "Air Force One" and "In the Line of Fire". Without the speed and the colors of his notorious films, he has plenty of time to develop his story and create a brilliant piece that echoes life, giving his most natural and realistic work along with "Das Boot". His posterior enterprises might have stronger energies, action and bigger castings but doesn't have the patience and beautiful elements this has.A saddening tale on the recklessness of youth in its pursuit for love, "The Consequence" deals on the obstacles two lovers have to face while trying to be together. Not the ordinary love story, quite the opposite. This one involves Martin (Jürgen Prochnow, in his best performance) an actor imprisoned for seducing a minor, and the young Thomas Manzoni (Ernst Hannawald), son of the prison's warden. Both were approached due to a play performed in the jail - unimaginable setting for such encounter to happen but believable in certain contexts. They share some good moments, always in secrecy, but the challenge comes after Martin's release. They meet again, already sure that what they shared was love and they're ready to live with each other, but Thomas parents are against their relation and even more opponent to their son's homosexuality, and these new facts causes the role changes in the story: this time the younger one will be arrested - in a juvenile facility though, after some arrangements made by his father - while the other will try anything to be near his lover or to release him if possible. Not the cup of tea of many viewers out there who can't handle sad stories but the moral and warnings we get from this tale are truly valuable, very honest to us. It's cruel but it has a point. More than just a love story, it's a painful piece on the consequences of immaturity, right in that drastic point between youth and adulthood, already showing that choices have ultimate and heavy consequences that'll affect everyone's lives in one way or another. Thomas apparent brave act of showing to his family that he loves Martin and he wants to live with him only proves to be disastrous to himself. Their union faces bumps after bumps, and a great part of those happen because of the younger guy, not smart or not experienced to know the ways of life. If only he kept this a secret, just run away with his partner, things would might turn out to be OK for him and Martin. Enthusiastic admirers of great acting will be delighted with the magnificent performances of the main stars. Prochnow, usually best suited in villain roles, is amazing in this sort of heroic role, not a perfect guy but a committed, passionate and kind, completely caught off guard and head over heels for this boy and always making his best to help him, even when he realizes that it's no longer possible. He express plenty with just few words. Hannawald's angelical face little by little becoming the face of sadness and misery is certainly the most unforgettable in the movie along with some of his lines ("I think it's really rotten of them to lock you up like this for making love to a boy" innocently referring on Martin's condemnation. He gives the performance of a lifetime in here.Times are different, there's more openness and acceptance when it comes to sexuality issues but things aren't so bright and positive, which makes this film even more relevant today than like it was in the 1970's. Desperately needs more audience. 10/10
nick_pizey I saw this film at the Gate Cinema near Bayswater, over twenty years ago. It was searingly good, in story content, composition and style. I was left feeling such a strong sense of anger at the way the two principal characters were hounded, anger at the bigotry and hypocrisy of those in authority, and desperately saddened by the outcome. This reflected my own feeling of dejection, rejection and utter desolation. From time to time over the past twenty or so years, I have thought of this film, especially the scene at a railway station where the two, almost against the odds, meet up and reaffirm their love for each other. It seems as if all will now be okay and that they might make away from their 'prison' but this moment of hope is destroyed so unexpectedly, and ruthlessly, that it would have been better if they had never met again. I hunted the film database to find this film, just so that I may at last tell someone else something about it, and to urge you to view it if you can get hold of a copy.
jan onderwater Beautiful black and white cinematography is the main pillar this modest and distressing coming-out drama rests. The script is intelligent without being intellectual, and has some amazing and surprising scenes. Main cast members Prochnow and Hannawald are excellent; Wolfgang Petersen handles the laymen cast very well.I do not think that (20 years after date) this film has lost any actuality. Besides, this film is honest, unsentimental and without sensationalism, something that can not be said of the average mainstream coming-out film of the 80' and 90's.