The Corndog Man

1999 "Every dog had his day"
7.1| 1h23m| en

A foul-mouthed and bigoted boat salesman in rural South Carolina is targeted for ruthless and never-ending telephone terrorism by a mysterious man claiming to be his son...


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Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
JayHarry I actually had the privilege of taking a directing class with Andrew Shea. I think this film was very successful cinematic ally and in many different ways, but I ultimately I think the narrative structure amazingly innovative. It doesn't break the narrative rules by not being linear, but does something totally different that I can't even explain. My only critique of the movie is I didn't feel established enough with his past, so the memory of the rape felt a little to sudden and not developed enough, not enough transition. I was felt the transvesite character kind of swung the story out of wack a little but not too drastically, it just brought out this other element of the character's life that the movie didn't have time to deal with. Although the parts with the drag queen were treated with enough decency and was not too attention seeking that it didn't take to much away from the movie, and in its defense it did drive the narrative at certain points. You can see Andrew's genius come out through the characters considering the difficulty of the material. I also think that not showing the caller, which is a critique of most of the poor reviews, is actually a threshold of the film. It makes us sympathize and experience with the main character, because he never really sees this person either, and one of the greatest powers of this antagonist is his anonymity. Another critique is why does the man keep answering the phone which I think is another threshold of the film. He keeps answering because he has a guilt complex. He knows what he has done, even if its a repressed and subconscious memory, so he can't avoid it because he has an indescribable attraction to the situation. What these characters have to express to each other is complex and subtle (by this I mean the undercurrent of the humor, swearing, and the son toying with the father), which is accomplished by Andrew's amazing skills of working with actors. Ultimately a great film, even though it may take a few viewings, and I gave it only a 7 simply because I have been recently watching amazing films by Bergman, Wilder, and Hawks. Inspiring to see what you can do on a really low budget.
dogbrain-1 "I'll sell a boat to a black man quicker than a cat can lick his a$$!"An Oscar-worthy performance, an original story, a great soundtrack, and a strong message. This movie has everything those $100 million-and-up pieces of CGI and re-hash trash sadly lack."I'm a serious fisherman!"If you have the attention span of an X-Box-enslaved Gen-X'er or a plastic, pampered, gym bimbo, you will probably not like this movie at all.Poor Ace.But then again, he's had this coming for a long time. Although you might feel sorry for him at times, you can't help but laugh at the way he reacts to the constant barrage of torment. This is an example of dark humor at its finest."Yer mah daddy!"I love it."Triple K Marine!"
tcrosslin I saw this movie on satellite one night and have been itching to see it again. I was hurting from laughing so much. The only problem I have now is where to find it.Does anyone know where I can purchase the DVD of this movie? Someone please email me if so. Thanks.
poorboy This harrowing yet darkly-funny story of revenge and buried secrets features an incredible performance by Noble Willingham. Willingham rings absolutely true as Ace Barker, a redneck boat salesman whose past catches up to him when a mysterious corndog seller arrives in town and begins to harrass him.The dialogue consists of little more than an endless series of phone calls, yet the movie held my attention from beginning to end. It's an unconventional movie because it has no standard dialogue scenes, but the narrative is a perfectly-structured, classic story of revenge.The soundtrack is extraordinary. It features a number of wonderful blues tunes, including several by Dr. John.This is destined to be a cult classic!