Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
I understand that many people felt disappointed since this movie is not as good as the original "O Patio das Cantigas" from 1942, but still i liked it, good performances by all the cast and some very funny moments.It's a very light movie but it's also a very funny one, the only problem i had with this was the last 20 minutes that felt rush and specially the ending, the ending man, that was really, really stupid and completely unnecessary.Besides that, it's a fun movie, to watch with your family and have a good time. My vote is 7Title (Portugal) - "O Patio das Cantigas" ("The Courtyard of the Ballads")
J. Ivo
This movie was a huge disappointment. It had everything to be good, but it turned out bad, really, really bad. There may be spoilers ahead, although no specific movie scene is referred. On the original the Narciso character is the main character, and here it is like a supporting role. Cesar Mourao, who should be the lead and carry out the movie, turned out doing a poor job, mostly by director choice, and not his performance as an actor. To someone who has never seen the original movie, it was not made clear that Narciso is the main character. Miguel Guilherme is a wonderful actor who spent the whole movie doing a bad and forced accent. It turns out not funny at all. I've always loved his work on TV, but his Evaristo is annoying as hell, and not in a good way. Then the humor: with Rui Unas, Aldo Lima, Manuel Marques, and José Pedro Vasconcelos this could have smarter and funnier humour, but it turned out to be "Malucos do Riso" and "Batanetes" humour. Maybe I am not the target, as being a 31 male that usually goes to the movies. Maybe this is a movie for kids or a really old citizen that remembers seeing the 1942 original in the movies. There are xenophobic jokes, which had a potential to be funny and bold, but are overall just bad taste. And what to say about the stupid ending? Everything was rushed and then from the sudden, it pops out with all the silliness and no clear conclusion. The director and writers had no idea how to end, or it could probably be for editing purposes, as the movie's length could be becoming an issue.Overall, this was a big box office success, but mostly because of all the investment in advertising it had. It could be a great success selling tickets and be a good movie like for example "A Gaiola Dourada" managed to be. But in conclusion it didn't deserve to wear the "o Pátio das Cantigas" title as it is shameful inspired movie (please do not call it a remake) from the 1942 classic.
First, I cannot tell about how good this remake is in comparison to the old one because i didn't see the entire old one, just some parts that are very popular. Despite of that, i can say that the idea of the film is not being a strict remake but a remake that shows a society of the 21th century and their behavior. The film is full of young actors that are already famous from national TV series and programs, but that are starting to do the first steps in cinema. And i really liked their first steps, i think they can do more interesting things like this. About the story, is a typical neighborhood of Lisbon with very characteristic people and behaviors. Its good because the action takes part on the popular parties of the city and shows a bit how can the good mood of everyone transforms quickly in a little street wrangle. The film have a lot of funny parts that made the entire room(full!) laughing. Besides it shows Fado, that is also a good point to promote the city and the country. I think will be fun, not just to all Portuguese to watch this movie, but also to foreign people. Because after that they can travel to Lisbon in June and feel the amazing atmosphere of popular parties.
This is one of the worst movies of 2015, it's a bad comedy, with unfunny jokes, NOT FUNNY AT ALL, i will never get back my 120 minutes of my life back, it's a nightmare all over, Portuguese movies still suck, i'm tired of the same old, bring back cool story's with lots of action, follow the example of other countries like : France or's poorly written, bad acting, i'm a fan of the original, and that's a classic, not this one, do not waste your precious time on this movie and save your money for something else. I promise you that this movie is not worth it, this was a painfully unfunny and incredibly lazy movie, don't go see this, you have been warned !!!!