The Creeping Terror

1964 "EEK!!! Lock the doors! Bolt the windows! It's..."
1.9| 1h17m| en

A newlywed sheriff tries to stop a shambling monster that has emerged from a spaceship to eat people.


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Crown International Pictures


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Also starring Louise Lawson


NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Hitchcoc Others have said the same thing I'm going to. I've always been fascinated by horror films when even an old granny with a wooden leg could outrun the monster, she just stands there and he pulls her in. Going all the way back to the classic mummy films where the first thing people would do when seeing the cloth wrapped killer is to stop in there tracks. He could only move about one mile per hour. In this one, one of the most ridiculous monsters is able to get people to practically walk into its mouth (I think it's a mouth). Others have mentioned the dance hall scene (need I say more).
arfdawg-1 The PlotA newlywed sheriff tries to stop a shambling monster that has emerged from a spaceship to eat the citizens of an American town.From the worst acting ever to the monster who is essentially a guy wrapped in a carpet this has got to be the biggest hoot on earth.The space ship is a Mercury launch in reverse and then once it's on the ground it looks nothing like what you just saw AND the police say there was a plane crash! What????i thought i was watching a lost Ed Wood movie. It even has a voice over that explains the narrative for retards.Very early on there is a shot of the coolest car ever. Maybe it's a Morgan. It looks like it could be the Bat-mobile from the original serial in the 40s.The only bad thing about this film is that the director only made two movies so he couldn't get Ed Wood status. Had he lived longer he's be right up there.
burnadrenaline This is bad cinema at it's absolute finest. I would recommend this film to anyone who likes comically bad movies and to the average person as well. Within, the first 10 minutes of this film, you will see stock footage of a rocket-launch played in reverse used as an alien spacecraft landing, complete with the REWIND-LINE! The monster itself is laughable, it's not quite as stupid-looking as the one in "Robot Monster" but it's pretty close. You will easily be able to distinguish the people under the monster-suit and even their shoes throughout the movie. Probably the best moment for the monster is when it invades a jazz concert and "absorbs" everybody. I won't ruin that for you though. Seriously, this movie is so bad that it's mind-boggling and entertaining to boot. It is a particularly great watch if you are up really late in the night and don't have to worry about waking anybody up with laughter. I cannot give a Z-Movie a 10 but this kind of movie is why there are B-movie fans like me out there. Don't expect to learn anything but if you watch this you will probably have a pretty good laugh in the process.
Dalton Jones The director borrowed about $20,000 to make this movie. During filming in Florida someone stole the monster and the dialog tapes. Thus the narration and cheap monster. The movie was so bad, the investors wanted their money back. But no. The director went into hiding for about 30 years. Hilarious. I especially got a kick at how slow the monster had to move. The victims literally had to wait to be eaten. Some were so impatient that they even crawled on in. Bad luck and low budget had a big influence on this movie. But, that being said, if you are used to less than great movies and like to watch with the volume down. You may enjoy this. I would suggest following it with the naked monster.