The Crucifixion

2017 "Be careful what you pray for"
5.1| 1h30m| R| en

When a priest is jailed for the murder of a nun on whom he was performing an exorcism, an investigative journalist strives to determine whether he in fact murdered a mentally ill person, or if he lost the battle with a demonic presence.


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Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
djmathers Where do I start?... the main actress was unbelievably terrible. Not convincing at all any time. This so called 'horror' relies on cheap fright moments throughout to justify its label in this genre. And the plot? Good luck finding it. Nowhere in sight. Incoherent, laughable & an absolute waste of time. Dont say I didnt warn you.... utter rubbish.
derbo73 A mediocre horror/mystery movie about a girl killed during an exorcism and a young journalist trying to investigate the case. I had the feeling this movie was motivated by better examples of the genre but tried too hard to imitate a certain look and atmosphere, ending in endless dialogue and driving around without anything happening. The background story is a bit convoluted and at a certain point I decided to no longer care. The ending receives an intense climax but was predictable and you don't really worry about the protagonist. The acting was ok to naive, no terrible bad acting but lifeless and boring as the whole movie.The mystery stuff has been seen on screens hundreds of times already, nothing new here, although the old buildings, nature and scenery do look great. Even the SFX were the same old stuff - black eyes, unearthly deep voice, demon makes things fly around so on.The main actress is quite young and did not convince me yet. She is good looking and I guess that's why they cast her. A secondary female role was filled in by Brittany Ashworth, who delivered a better playing, yet they all somehow had to struggle with the weak story, dilaogues and directing.I was very happy when it finally ended and the only horror I felt was the thought of having to see it again one day. There are worse movies, but in the end wasted time is wasted time.
tania-sofia-ferreira This movie is a demonstration that what many people in this same century thinks about a possession that is a neurotic breakdown, but in this movie they explain what can happened when we don't have an open mind about subernatural. I liked very much this movie because as facts not just cientyfic but religious have the two sides of de coin. Congratulations for this movie i'm a big fan of horror movie expecially with real facts movies.
Finfrosk86 What the hell is this crap? What happened here?This is so by the numbers, so bland, so boring. Check it out: every single jump scare in this movie, which is pretty much every single "scare", is accomplished with an ear piercingly loud sound. Seriously. Every time. A car horn. A dogs bark. A bang on a door. And the sound is so ridiculously loud, while the talking is super low. Man I was just so effing angry. It pains your ears. And the sound is not even accompanied by scary imagery! Most of the times it's just a fake scare. With SUCH loud noise. JEEEZ.The best thing about the movie is Sophie Cookson. She does the best she can with a very uninteresting and boring script. There is very little gore, the little there is is OK. There are a couple of effects, they also work. But all in all it's just very tame. The story, I think, leans on being "true". Unfortunately it's still boring.I should probably give this a lower score, but if my mood were better I think I might have enjoyed it more. Also, the movie does have some qualities, it's just all to by the numbers.