The Curious Dr. Humpp

4.8| 1h27m| en

A doctor kidnaps young couples and performs bizarre experiments on them.


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Productores Argentinos Asociados


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Also starring Gloria Prat


GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Leofwine_draca If you've ever wanted to see a really, really bizarre film, then look no further...THE CURIOUS DR. HUMPP is here. This is a film that doesn't know what it wants to be; part sex film, part horror, part science fiction, it's a madcap combination of all three genres and a totally unique one at that. Of course, it's not a particularly good film - it's overlong and repetitive - but I can guarantee that you'll never see anything else quite like this.Made on the cheap, in black and white, and in Argentina of all places (!), most of the film is padded out with couples doing their business. These quickly get very dull and pointless, but it's worth sitting through them in order to take in some of the science fiction trappings which make up the plot.In what other film do you see lumpy-faced misshapen mutants standing in shadowy courtyards STRUMMING BANJOS while zombies wander around aimlessly!? Or what about the clichéd yet hilarious mad doctor dialogue - a prime example being "Sex dominates the I dominate sex!"? It's a film where everyday occurrences like monsters walking into nightclubs and kidnapping strippers are taken for granted; talking brains are kept alive in fish tanks, and the bad guys have flashing light bulbs in the tops of their skulls! You heard go see it.
Milo-Jeeder To my surprise, "The Curious Dr. Humpp", got some really positive reviews, which makes me believe that maybe I just didn't get it or it's simply not my kind of movie after all. I would incline myself to the second option, actually. I was never really a big fan of sexploitation films and as a consequence, I never paid them too much attention in the first place. Nevertheless, I desperately needed to check "The Curious Dr Humpp" (aka "La venganza del sexo"), since it was a national horror film and there aren't many of those out there. I actually wanted to like this film very bad for what it was. I had read many positive reviews and had some really high hopes that ended up shattered.In "The Curious Dr. Humpp", a mad scientist under the name of Dr. Zoide, starts kidnapping young couples while they're having sex, or simply lusty boys and girls having fun by themselves. It appears that this mad scientist takes some kind of fluid that is segregated only by people with sexual appetite. With these fluids, Dr. Zoide becomes more and more powerful and as a consequence, young boys and girls begin to disappear in the streets of Buenos Aires. No one seems to know what is going out there, but a journalist named George starts taking care of the situation individually, until he finally comes across the awful truth about Dr. Zoide, the talking brain and the clumsy creature.While I appreciate Mr Vieyra's noble effort of making a national sexploitation film throughout the sixties (although it was released in the early seventies), I will not say that I enjoyed this movie just out of courtesy. On the other hand, I support this film in a way, because it seems like it was some kind of way to mock the other national movies that came out all through that period of time. Back then, there was a large number of silly movies that included high voltage scenes, filled with breasts and unnecessary sex. I believe Mr. Vieyra's creation, was a way to poke fun at those films without actually falling into harsh criticism and why not use a monstrous avenger for that?. So basically, while I appreciate the mocking wink to the other sexploitation films back then, I'm still not a big fan of this film. "The Curious Dr. Humpp", basically offers 85 minutes of nonsense that personally, I didn't find very amusing, although it seems like many other folks did. I'm not entirely convinced about a film that for the most part contains lots of naked guys and girls everywhere, some unintentionally amusing scenes in which we see a stiff creature walking around clumsily, an evil talking brain inside a jar, catchy music and laughable acting from the beginning until the end. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who actually wants to see a horror movie.
The_Void If you're not into bizarre cinema, you're best off staying away from this cult film; but if you are into cult might find something here. The adjective in the title is extremely apt for this film, as it features a plethora of odd and mostly illogical ideas; all of which are at least somewhat 'curious'. This helps the film in a way as there's always enough going on to keep it ticking over; but on the other hand, sometimes there's just too many things going on at the same time, and since not a great deal of it makes sense; the film can be somewhat annoying. That being said, the plot focuses on sex, deformity and very mad science and so it's entertaining throughout, at least. The plot centres on a scientist researching sex. He kidnaps people and feeds them aphrodisiacs so that they'll have sex. He needs them to do so that he can drain some fluid from them, as Dr Humpp is actually a monster and he needs this fluid to stop himself being transformed. You might wonder how all this stuff ended up coming together, but there's a simple explanation for all of it; the doctor is being directed by a talking disembodied brain in a jar! Despite being silly and not making a lot of sense, the film is very technically competent and the cinematography looks great. The film was obviously shot on a low budget, but the crystal clear black and white picture helps to mask this; which is a very good thing. The set design is good, if a little bare in places; but that's not all that important. There is a lot of sex in the film, which is sure to please anyone with a mind to see a film like this; and the script is fantastic at providing a lot of memorable quotes such as "Sex dominates the world!". The 'monster' that the doctor becomes looks rather silly, but the film ensures that you can just about buy into it as everything is so completely mesmerising. The atmosphere is surreal throughout, and director Emilio Vieyra ensures that it always benefits the tone of the movie. The film doesn't flow too well, as once the basic plot is laid out; we don't get much elaboration on it, but you can't expect too much from a film like this, and for what it is; The Curious Dr Humpp is sure to delight fans of cult cinema that don't mind too many inconsistencies in their films.
Coventry "The Curious Dr. Humpp" certainly is one of the craziest movies I ever saw and it excellently shows just how low exploitation-filmmakers in the 70's were prepared to sink in order to blend gratuitous sleaze with nasty horror premises. The story is utter nonsense but it really is great fun to see how deranged this film is. Dr. Humpp is a mad scientist who kidnaps people whilst experiencing any form of sexual pleasure (couples making out, masturbation, orgies, lesbians, strippers…) and he surgically steals their libidos! You see, he needs the virility in order to stay alive! He has an army of horribly deformed accomplices (medical experiments gone wrong) and a nurse who constantly begs him to physically abuse her. If all this isn't odd enough for you just yet, we'll throw in a talking brain in a jar that rants about world-domination! This movie is exclusively meant for avid cult-collectors, since it features nothing but weirdness and cheese. Tons of nudity and poorly filmed violence is all it has got to offer; yet I had a great time watching it. The make-up on the 'monsters' is rather cool and the jazzy musical guidance works too. If it weren't for this movie, I never would have known that Argentina was active in the 70's exploitation industry as well. If you like bizarre, check out this flick!