The Dark Tapes

2017 "Face the unknown"
4.6| 1h38m| en

A genre-defying mixture of horror, sci-fi, myth, mystery and thrills told as four interlocking tales in one intelligent anthology. Ghosts, spirits, creatures, demons and more from the paranormal world collide with rational curiosity.


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Thunder Road


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Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Sexylocher Masterful Movie
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
axelfinnur This movie is not made with great passon or heart. It is very clear the there was script problems from day one. I was hoping for a film equal to V/H/S but this The Dark Taps is just rubbish.Not only is the acting stiff and really bad at times, you can alos find terrible errors. For example can you see a reflexion of the dictator in the tv at the end of the first story.Stay clear of this movie.
xyle666 didn't know what to expect going into this, though i had decently high hopes since any found footage that gets higher than a 4 on IMDb tends to be pretty damn good (for some reason its trendy to hate movies, especially found footage). this one reminds me of VHS since its several stories that range from demons to aliens to just evil people. each story wasn't overly complicated and each one gave you just enough information so your not sitting confused wondering about the little things. this is one you should give a chance, its worth it. plus its only an hour and a half so its not a real long one. i definitely recommend it.
Bob An Before, I used to read reviews here before watching a movie, but I decided not to do that because they may influence my opinion.Now, my opinion on this film is rather in line with its rating here. I give it a four. I must say that I did not really understand what is going on. I guess the 1st tape of 2007 provoked something which is thought to be over with the Amanda girl (in 2015) but actually was not over?! The tape #3 was the most puzzling to be - the family with a daughter. What was that? I can not even say what was a tape/real and what was a trap.I am surprised this film won 15 awards. I mean, I am not sure what they are (besides their names) but... I guess I did not get the film if I would not give it any award.This is not entirely bad/boring, but better watch something else.
remmuchan I really did not expect to like this movie! I thought it was going to be pretty bad...but it was actually fun to watch! It has moments that would make you go "hmmm.." but everything else is pretty good. Like the other users said, if you love found footage movies, you'll enjoy this one.