The Deadly Spawn

1983 "They came to Earth to feed on human flesh!"
5.9| 1h21m| R| en

When a meteorite touches down in the New Jersey woods carrying a monstrous alien slug, it’s up to four teens to stop it before it’s terrifying brood consumes all life on Earth!



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Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
PaJRJ When I used to go to the local Mom and Pop video store I would be confronted by cheap pieces of film disguised as entertainment such as this. One look at the cover tells you all you need to know. The correct reaction is "I don't want to see THIS movie!"Bingo. If you're like me, that is incomplete. I don't want to see this movie. I NEED to see this movie. I will do whatever it takes to buy this movie which I am now enjoying on my copy on VHS with the oversized case.A labor of love produced on a $30,000 To $50,000 budget backed up by a serious love of old time schlock cinema.Ted Bohus did graduate to some better budgets, such as Vampire Vixens from Venus which via friendship with Fred Olen Ray did include Michelle Bauer in the cast, but this work including nobody you ever heard of is one of the best cult movie classics you can get a hold of.As usual with reviews of this type of movie, do not expect high art. Just turn you brain off and enjoy the ride.
morrison-dylan-fan After being told by a fellow IMDber that UK DVD company Arrow was having a sale on Amazon Uk,I decided to take a look at the titles on sale,and I spotted a fun-looking, slimy alien monster movie,which led to me getting ready to see death spawned.The plot:Whilst camping in the woods,some campers notice an meteor fall nearby.Going to investigate the crash site,the campers discover that aliens have landed on earth,who brutally kill them the moment they get their first glimpse of the campers.Living near the crash site is a family consisting of Sam,Barb and their 2 kids Pete & Charles.After his mum and dad have gone on holiday, (talk about good timing!) Sam decides to check if a recent rainstorm has flooded the basement.Fearing that the basement has been flooded with rain,Sam soon discovers that the basement has been flooded by murderous aliens. View on the film:Before I get to the title it self,I have to mention that Arrow have given the film a terrific transfer,with the natural grit of the Video being kept,whilst offering a clear soundtrack and filling the DVD with detailed extras.Covering the full cost of the title at just $18,000,co-writer/(along with Ted A. Bohus/John Dods & Tim Sullivan) director Douglas McKeown takes advantage of shooting the film on video by covering the movie in low-lights,which along with building a creepy atmosphere for the aliens,also emphasises the fuzzy grain that the format offers.Along with displaying the video dirt,McKeown also runs down the film with ultra-gory alien/monster killings which McKeown presents with a real glee,which go from the delightfully rubbery,mega-tooth "final boss" to the surprisingly creepy, eel-like mini aliens.For the screenplay the writers attempt to cross mad alien/monster antics with teens in a mysterious peril.Whilst the writers do well in slowly increasing the horrific nature of the outrageously grisly murders,the teens in peril/mystery sadly slows the whole film down,due to the cast being shockingly flat,and being unable to express any sense of terror in even a mildly convincing manner,which leads to this spawn not being as deadly as it should have been.
trashgang At last, I watched the full uncut. Full uncut is only available in the US and in Germany were I bought it at a convention with lot of extra's. Was it worth it, oh yes. I would classify it in the region of Slithis and The Abomination, be aware, The Abomination was made later but the comparison between them is the look of the alien(s). Sure, Brain Damage (from 1988) his aliens are looking the same like those in this flick. Luckely, here we don't have stop/motion. Still, we have to deal with a low budget but a nice one. The story line is okay and the effects are the reason why it has his cult following. When the aliens attack they attack in a gory way. Mostly the attacks are off camera but the result of the attacks are shown, geeks will love it especially the attack of the aliens on mother's skull. Sure, some outside shots are made of a model, funny to see but I have seen worser. Only the end is a bit of a laugh. But nevertheless, you have to watch it, sometimes it's a bit of what the hell, the scene with the old people, and sometimes you will love the use of the red stuff.
Aaron1375 As far as low budget alien invasions movies goes this movie was one of the best I have seen. It has been a long time since I have seen it, and the last time I did I was a kid, but I still remember it enough to know I liked every bit of it. I saw the movie with the super long title Return of the Alien: The Deadly Spawn, a title that was obviously trying to make itself out as some sort of Alien sequel like so many other alien movies of that time. This one did not really need to attach itself to that film though as it was a nice, super gory movie with a bit of humor in it to boot, humor that actually worked. The story has these aliens that look like tadpoles on the loose, and like all tad poles the turn into something bigger and even more deadly. In fact from how the movie ended I would say there is no telling how big they can get if they can feed enough. The creatures do lots of killing, even in their smaller tadpole like state and they cause a lot of havoc, thank goodness that kid shared the same hobby as Tommy from the Friday the 13th movies, though this came out first so one has to wonder if they stole that particular plot point from this film. I wonder if this movie is on DVD as I would love to see it again, granted I am sure the effects will not look as good and it will be dated, but from what I remember it will still be enjoyable to watch.