Charming and brutal
A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Teddie Blake
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Movie Nuttball
I saw this on video recently and its a good film and Billy Zane is great and in MY opinion this is his best on to date. The film itself could of been in a theatre easily and this film has action in it and it starts out with a bang. Any Billy Zane fan should check this one out!
Talky adventure set in 1955 Borneo takes forever to get the main plot going after a splashy intro. Husband and wife hire adventurer to take them into the jungle in search of diamonds. Ulterior motives exist. Pretty average tv original movie from a story by oldtime pulp hack Louis L'Amour.It's quite reminiscent, though not nearly as flip and breezy, of the 1987 David Keith vehicle, FURTHER ADVENTURES OF TENNESSEE BUCK -- which also featured a husband and wife team heading into the untracked jungle with a raffish East Indies adventurer. However, this being a USA tv movie, there is no scene involving a hot oil rubdown. (Sigh.)On a scale of 1-10, a 3 from 12-stringer. Adventure movie for people who've never seen an adventure movie.
Contains SPOILER THE DIAMOND OF JERU was much better than I was expecting from a "USA Original Movie." From the Indiana Jones-style opening credits to the exciting climax, it was one entertaining jungle adventure film. Billy Zane made an appealing hero and should do more of these types of film (check him out in THE PHANTOM for something similar). Though it got just a tad slow after a good first thirty minutes or so, it picks up as soon as the characters get into the jungle. And though the revelation at the end that Zane's character didn't kill the bad guy takes away from the hard edge the character could have had, the rest of the film is entertaining, even if it could have used a bit more cliffhanger matinee-style action. But all-in-all, a fun adventure film the whole family can enjoy, with a rousing climax. It's no Indiana Jones, but it's better than most of what's been made for television. Can't wait for the DVD release, if there ever is one.
This rip-snorting adventure starring Billy Zane is indeed a treasure of a film. It's positively packed to the ceiling with action, suspense, and even a hint of romance. There's definitely something for everyone in this picture. NOTE: This film was made by USA Network, but it is definitely not a mere "cable" movie. This could've easily played on the big screen. It certainly beats the pants off of most of 2001's box-office features!