The Echo

2004 "May kasama ka, 'di mo lang alam... (You have companion, you just don't know)"
5.8| 1h42m| en

After moving into his new digs a ratty apartment in a decrepit building Marvin senses that something is amiss. Every night, domestic violence occurs at the home of his neighbors: an alcoholic cop, his wife, Anna, and their daughter, Lara. When bloody apparitions of Anna and Lara flash before Marvin's eyes, he begins to question his sanity in this atmospheric horror film.


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AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
daggersineyes ***** Warning - there are some spoilers in hereI sort of liked this and sort of didn't. It's not a straightforward movie to review. The acting was wonderful, there's some fantastic cinematography and tension building direction - reminiscent of Hitchock. The story is OK, some character development and you do care what happens to them. Lashings of spooky atmosphere. Quite creepy at times and moody with a hint of Gothic. On the other hand, there are some very silly plot holes and devices, not enough depth/backstory etc to the characters, the ending is rubbish and there are several annoying bits that just go on far too long. Spoiler alert*** I first got unforgivably distracted & annoyed in a scene where Pinky keeps getting in and out of an elevator with some mildly spooky goings on around her. It got to the point where I was yelling "Oh for gawds sake stop getting in the damn elevator!" because it all seemed so pointless and stupid. It was wasted footage (one of my pet peeves) and didn't add anything to the movie, in fact it detracted severely from the overall suspense. The "spooky goings on" became boring and mundane due to their repetition (with nothing really happening) so it ended up being less scary than say... rats running around in there. Our girl seemed awfully scared tho. So why didn't she take the stairs at any point? Not to mention her ridiculous reason for all this leaping about in elevators.Another example is the fairly tense and climactic "screaming at the door scene". Seriously, it felt like that scene just went on for years with nothing changing, not even the dialogue. Just the same lines being repeated (screamed) for I dunno, 10? 15 minutes. Maybe it just felt that long. At this point I started fast forwarding the vid because the whole scene was irritating me beyond reason. And once a movie has me reaching for the FF button it's pretty much all over bar the shouting. Goodbye suspense/horror/thrills etc. It was just "yeah OK so when does something interesting happen & how fast can I get to the final scene" I fast forwarded most of the final half hour at least. Shame because I think the flick has so much going for it but was let down by a few serious bungles. I recommend this movie for fans of subtle horror, suspense & drama but not for hard core horror/gore/slasher/thrill-seeker fans. Next to OldBoy or Audition this is Mary Poppins. Lastly an observation - It felt like the Director wanted to make a statement about battered wives - and I applaud him for that. It doesn't detract from the film but makes it a bit more serious-minded than most horror/ghost stories.I say go ahead and rent it! It's better than about 90% of the dross out there and has enough suspense and intrigue to keep it interesting till the somewhat unfortunate end. As a bonus, it's spooky enough to satisfy mild horror cravings but suitable for older kids so you can watch it with the family!Besides, the lead male actor is very expressive and one of the prettiest male actors I've ever seen. Must go find his other movies so I can stare lustfully at him some more :D
freebird-64 I got to see this movie back when it was first shown as part of the annual Metro Manila Film Festival (when only local films are allowed to be shown in theaters). The audience reaction was overwhelmingly positive as we all screamed and gasped in the right places.Admittedly, the film is hardly original but it still manages to create a personality of its own, distinct from the Japanese and other Asian horror films. The film's worst flaw is its use of similar looking actors for scenes taking place in the past and present. This creates some confusion in the audience as to what exactly is happening.Otherwise, the film is laudable in the way it effectively marshals its limited resources (it takes place essentially in one setting) to create a very creepy and atmospheric film. This is a must for fans of horror movies.
massivegirl This movie is pointless, too boring and too predictable. In less than 10 minutes we understand what is going on: a family used to live there and the dead wife used to ask a guy to stay with her daughter while her police-drunk husband spanked her. The other guy and pink are in the present but the dead wife "stills around" 'cause he must open the door. Just that! Then, the history which is already self-explanatory, is explained over and over again. It's really boring, If you want to see a hell of a movie watch "a tale of two sisters" beats the crap out of this movie! A friend of mine didn't even watch it till the end, 'cause he was really suffering (lol!)
gypsy24 The Echo (Sigaw) has teeth and it sinks deep through your bones. Predictable in some scenes but very unique in storytelling and the "scare" factor. Cinematography is excellent as well as music/sound and editing. This film is so scary that it will frighten you even after you've seen it. Very eerie and very claustrophobic. It would be cool if Hollywood will pick this movie and do a remake...I just wish they won't mess the story up too much. The movie's simplicity is what makes it scary. The "realness" is what makes it unique in some sense. It's very frightening because of the way the director made the film effective even without any special effects. I think that what makes The Echo (Sigaw) a very scary film. Must watch!