The Endless Summer 2

1994 "The journey continues..."
7.6| 1h49m| PG| en

Bruce Brown, king of surfing documentaries, returns after nearly thirty years to trace the steps of two young surfers to top surfing spots around the world. Along the way we see many of the people and locales Bruce visited during the filming of Endless Summer (1966).


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New Line Cinema


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Alicia I love this movie so much
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
fsg73 I'm a New York City boy, have what I claim are the whitest legs in America, and I have never surfed, but I love watching Surfer movies (even the hokey ones from the mid-sixties). Endless Summer 2 is beautiful. Great video, and even the obviously staged bits work because we're all in on the staginess. The guys are likable and fun.One Kahuna of a Complaint, however, is--I want to Hear some of those Waves crashing. You've got great video, but the music often gets in the way of the sensory pleasure. I see beautiful waves, but the gift of the Sound all of that powerful water makes is taken away from me.Those beautiful sunsets and sunrises need Natural Sound, not Man-Made music. In Indonesia I wanted to HEAR the noise all of those cars and motor-bikes were making. SOUND puts the viewer there. You took all of the natural sound out, then added little bits around the music in the Edit. Keep the musicians OUT of the Edit Room.
duraflex ENDLESS SUMMER II was written, directed and edited by surfer-filmmaker Bruce Brown with his son Dana 30 years after Bruce created the original.ES2 has much the same "feel" as the original but the technical quality is on a higher level with a much bigger budget, bigger production staff and a studio and sponsors behind it from the get-go. Problem is NEW LINE CINEMA was in a state of transition when the ES2 was coming to market and it never got the promotion that any film needs. Although it was made in 1994, like many people, I never even knew it existed until I was surfing the internet in 2006.This "sequel" is quite comparable to the original and if you enjoyed that, you will definitely want to see this.The photography is absolutely spectacular – much of it actually better than the original - and many of the shots literally take the viewer right INSIDE and UNDER the waves.Fantastic surfing, great action, beautiful scenery, magnificent waves, gorgeous color, good soundtrack – what a treat – like a 2 hour mini-vacation.The original seems more authentic but this film is excellent as well.Pulling off all the necessary logistics and photographing this round-the-world adventure and including some of the best surfers on Earth was a major achievement and an entertaining one at that.There's a little too much real-life risk-taking the film - much of it OUT of the water "playing" with lions and clowning around at the top of a precipice near a waterfall. Nevertheless, the film makes a great armchair adventure for those of us who no longer surf. It also serves as a beautiful inspiration to those who do enjoy surfing or might want to try it. Just don't be as daring as these guys. They've been at it a long time and even with that, they come up with some nasty wounds along the way.Interesting too that one featured champion surfer is smart enough to wear a helmet surfing the big waves over coral reefs. I think there's a good lesson in that.
atinoco This movie is just great, I just can't get tired of watching it, scenery and beaches are just BEAUTIFUL, and also featuring my favorite surf legends, it's the best surf movie I've ever seen. Also pretty funny, what a nice way to travel the world and have fun in the same time!!!!!! I'm up for it anytime!!!!!
RNMorton "Sequel" to The Endless Summer is just as good, with Bruce Brown again following two young surfers on a round-the-world quest for perfect waves. Film never lets up, and the location photography and narration are just as good as in the original. Enhanced by return visits to some of the locales from the first movie. Highly recommended whether you surf or not.