The Endurance

7.8| 1h37m| G| en

Documentary on the Shackleton Antartic expedition. A retelling of Sir Ernest Shackleton's ill-fated expedition to Antarctica in and the crew of his vessel 'The Endurance', which was trapped in the ice floes and frigid open ocean of the Antarctic in 1914. Shackleton decided, with many of his crew injured and weak from exposure and starvation, to take a team of his fittest men and attempt to find help. Setting out in appalling conditions with hopelessly inadequate equipment, they endured all weather and terrain and finally reached safety. Persuading a local team of his confidence that the abandoned team would still be alive, he set out again to find them. After almost 2 years trapped on the ice, all members of the crew were finally rescued.


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Discovery Channel Pictures


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Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
mattsimdb I really do enjoy adventures and real stories of survival, and this wasn't a bad movie, but let's bring this one back to reality. Most of the reviews here are obviously on the Shackleton band wagon. I think for obvious reasons because no one else but the enthusiasts have even heard of the movie or the book.Let's start with the movie. It was a bit slow even for a documentary. However, my biggest complaint is the fact that I didn't even know there were deaths on the supply side of his expedition until I read it here on IMDb, and I watched the movie twice, because my wife had fallen asleep during it the first time. Isn't it relevant to the movie? I think the story on the other side the expedition is interesting as well. Why wasn't it told? Perhaps a little bit of Shackleton hype maybe? However, I must say the movie had absolutely stunning photography and does a good job of helping us to live the tail.Now let's go after Shackleton. His expedition failed so miserably that I can't imagine how he is deemed a great leader. Yes, everyone survived his part of the expedition but only after complete failure of their objective. What were his back up plans for getting stuck in the ice? He had none. The real genius of the expedition seems to have been the "mutenous" carpenter. Maybe if Shackleton had listened to him and built a boat out of the remains of the Endurance they would have been home sooner and in better shape. This same carpenter saved them again by upgrading their life boat so that it could survive the South Atlantic from Elephant Island to South Georgia Island. Yet, even after the expedition was over he continued to punish the Carpenter for his disloyalty. Shackleton seems to be a stereotypical know it all that does not know how to listen.Let's also pick on the mission. It was an egotistical crusade for nothing. What a waste of time and money. The South Pole had already been discovered. Even if he succeeded he basically accomplished nothing for the world, only for his own ego.Great leader? I think not.
WalkingTaco I had no idea what this was going to be about, and right from the time the ship gets stuck in the ice shelf I knew it wasn't going to end up how I expected. The narration by Liam Neeson is very well done, as is the use of actual photos and footage. Great documentary.
RichShep An inspiring story of the will to survive which takes us back to the "Heroic Age" of exploration. Ernest Shackleton's expedition to the Antarctic set off in 1914 on the eve of World war 1. However, they became trapped in pack ice not far from their destination, though not close enough. So began a 2-year ordeal in the most inhospitable conditions,a constant fight for survival, before the redoubtable Shackleton got his men to safety...without losing one life. Then, on top of that, the men hurried back to help the war effort. The documentaries mix footage taken by the original expedition photographer and new footage to show the picturesque yet deadly, inhospitable and unforgiving land, and tell this superhuman tale of survival. Effectively shot and beautifully edited, and well narrated by Liam Neeson, you can almost feel the cold. At the end of it, no matter how much you already knew about the expedition, you still cannot believe this incredible story is real.
dean-27 This is, quite simply, the finest documentary I have ever seen. The story is one of the most amazing, and harrowing, tales of survival imaginable. In fact, it is beyond anything a novelist could conjure. It is filled with amazing, high quality archival stills and footage. The film is well edited. The hour and a half flies by, and you leave emotionally exhausted and exhilarated. Most highly recommended.