The Erotic Witch Project

2000 "In November 1999, three college coeds dissappeared in the woods of Bacchusville NJ, while searching for the mythical Erotic Witch. Two weeks later their home video was found."
3.9| 1h18m| NR| en

November 1999. Three gorgeous college girls entered the woods of Bacchusville, New Jersey, in search of the legendary Erotic Witch. Two weeks later their footage was found.


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Seduction Cinema


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Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
hellholehorror I was very drunk when I first watched this and at the time I thought that it was very erotic and funny. Thinking about it though it was a bad film with no acting, story or anything except naked women in softcore action. It was a short film as most of the footage was just repeats of previous shots but mirrored to confuse the horny teenager into thinking that it is a real film. Worth watching to get horny but that's all as watching this alone normally would not be erotic or in the slightest entertaining. It was like the Teletubbies with someone shouting "again, again" before being subjected to the exact same sequence again.
tedg Spoilers herein.I'm one of the few (it seems) that really got excited about 'Blair Witch,' (and its sequel) as a cinematic event. I thought it was intelligent and clever. A lot of innovation in film concerns the relationship between observers and characters, and this was a novel take - especially the split between the video and film perspectives.Additionally, it opened a new approach to both making and viewing. Watchers could get it without worrying about Godard. Filmmakers could play with a low cost production path. So something like this was inevitable. And it does start out as if it understood the strategy.Surely a successful film could be made along these lines. But it would have to follow the rules of the camera: in every case you know who the filmer is. This project inexplicably tossed the convention midway. Perhaps they thought the gorilla was an operator/viewer.The erotic stuff really could have worked, if it were erotic in any way. What we needed was 'ordinary' women without all the trappings of porn stars: hair, tattoos, runway trims, by- the-book sex. I think the right characters would be high schoolers along the lines of Larry Clark.But what really kills this is the notion of magic. In the original, the world of observation enters a world of influence. All the influence is external, not internal as they would have here.Too bad. I think someone can made a good and popularly effective film something like this, but this ain't it.Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
darren-randle Having "endured" the Blair Witch Project, followed by the Bogus Witch project, I thought "Hey, lesbian horror"!What I got was three rather dodgy women actually trying to act whilst being erotic. They failed, on both counts. Porn (or erotica) should be entertaining. This wasn't. It was nothing more than a poor cash in.Sort of SPOILER!!! -One redeeming feature was the gorilla with the blow up doll, at least he got into the part. The English DVD (region 2) has been chopped to buggery, and is tame. Numerous camera angles and shots are repeated to pad the length of the film out.Maybe the US unrated version is more entertaining, but for me this was crap. Look our for Gladiator Eroticus, also made by the same people. Expect it for a quid in blockbusters soon!
Lee Bartholomew Despite it comes from a director with no brains. (Erotic Ghost) It'll come as a surprise that it's actually fun to watch. (unless your Melissa Etheridge... women need not apply)It's actually more fun to watch the making of featurette on the dvd than the actual movie. Seeing people act like they do in real life. Enjoy.6/10Quality: 4/10 Entertainment: 6/10 Replayable: 10/10 (what are you kidding me?)