Better Late Then Never
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Clarissa Mora
The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
"Anti Semitism is so instinctive that it may be called one of the primal instincts of mankind; one of the important instincts by which a race helps to preserve itself against total destruction. I cannot emphasise the matter too strongly. Anti Semitism is not, as Je ws have tried to make the world believe, an act of prejudice. It is a deeply hidden instinct, with which every man is born.. He remains unconscious of it, as of all other instincts of self preservation, until something happens to awaken it. So swiftly and surely is the instinct of anti Semitism in a man...there is not a single instance when the Je ws have not fully deserved the bitter fury of their persecutors." --Je ws Must Live. P. 64 by Samuel Roth
Karl Ericsson
For illustrating how a minority always wins out against a majority (provided that they are not persecuted), this film deserves a 10. For depicting the Jews as a special problem regarding this, this film does however deserve only a 0(zero). The resulting 5 is thus explained. If I belonged to a minority, whose members had some liking to one another, and I moved to a foreign country and was given a position of power, I would probably employ people in influential positions from my own minority rather than people I felt less for. This should not come as a surprise for anybody. As long as there is power, there are privileges and minorities or interests groups trying to get hold of as much power as possible for "security" reasons, if for nothing else. It is childish to think something else. The majority can act similarly as the minority and exclude those from power positions whenever there is a vacancy somewhere but this is called "racism" or "persecution" and is, with some right, deemed unfair, since the majority are always so many more than the minority. If, however, a minority becomes very successful in its masonry (because that is what it is), persecution follows as an act of defense against that majority, however usually instigated by a newly formed minority, using the majority in order to push away the old minority from power-positions, which they like to obtain for themselves. In a power-society, this kind of game goes on and on for as long as we allow power amongst human beings. If we honestly want to get rid of racism and the like, we just have to get rid of power, because then there will be nobody who lives from the sweat of others, except the miserable and the handicapped, whom we are all indebted to help as we are indebted to overcome the injustices of fate rather than enhancing them but not only for that reason, for who amongst us can refute the heroism of the handicapped and who amongst us deserves more praise than those amongst us, who carry the toughest loads?
I believe that Movie offer many things which leads to racism and anti-Semite . Many material provided by the movie will only leads to increase the anti-Semite and charge the anger to what absolutely innocent Jews across the world. However the Movie was perfectly served its purpose and selectively chosen the right shots promote the idea of NAZI. It is true that many Jews across Europe specially in the 18-19 century were behave in low and mean attitude ; some statistical figures provided by the Movie was correct and the most honest expression about Jews in the 19 century and across the history such as most of the international organized crime/Gangs are headed by Jews ; Ratio of Doctor ; Banker and income of Jews to German Citizen. Owners of Prostitution houses and Gamble club are mainly Jews. I believe the under the circumstances the Jews behave wearied across the History during the battle of Survive . How was the Jews conspiracy to control the country through financial methods ... Some chapter is awful regards the Animal slaughter which should not be there as it is private religion which should be respected by any one. Some chapters of the Movie talked about the face and outlook of the Jew person which is unfair and purely racism. Some shots talk about famous Jewish characters of that time . The Movie in general worth to watch.
Interesting? Hardly. The 'scientific evidence' the movie provides for its point (which is basicly that Jews are a cancer) is so stupid and lame, it's almost laughable (if we didn't know what happened in that era).Important? Nah. I can't imagine Germans (even at that horrid time) would like or believe this movie. Compare it to Riefenstahl's Triumf des Willens. Now that was I movie I was impressed with. This is just silly garbage.'Best' part is a scene from M (one of my all-time favorites) where (the jew, as the announcer so eloquently keeps reminding us) Lorre plays a child-molester and murderer. In the eyes of these film-makers, only a depraved mind can do so. Uh-huh. Didn't know M was Hitler's favorite movie, right?No, it's just plain STUPID. Even for it's nazi-propaganda genre. 2/10.