Best movie of this year hands down!
Don't listen to the negative reviews
Did you people see the same film I saw?
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
I am not a movie critic, just a regular person who likes crime thrillers and for people like me, who like this genre, this movie comes through. I will say that the plot is familiar but I didn't mind because it kept me interested. There isn't anything groundbreaking or phenomenal about this film, but it wasn't even released in theaters, so I have to assume that anyone watching this is at home, looking for a decent movie to watch. This fit the bill for that, which is what I was looking for- something to entertain for a couple hours. There is suspense, good acting, and the ending does add something new to the plot. It certainly didn't end like I was expecting it to. I enjoyed it and consider it time well spent. I say if you usually like movies with crime, murder, chasing them down, Cusack or Jennifer Carpenter, then you will like this movie.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
While the pace in "The Factory" is not head over heels fast, then it doesn't really slow down the movie. This movie is built up in a very nice way that slowly builds up suspense and feeds the audience bits and pieces along the way.What appealed to me about this movie was the storyline, and the way that director Morgan O'Neill managed to entice the audience with the way that the story was presented and still managed to put in some really genius plot twists along the way.The storyline in "The Factory" was alpha and omega in the movie, but the good cast also helped the movie along quite nicely. It was essentially John Cusack who made me sit down and watch this movie, but it turned out to be Dallas Roberts who ended up carrying the movie with his phenomenal performance as Carl.I can't claim to be familiar with the true story upon which this movie is based, but the events that took place in the movie were portrayed nicely and realistic. And the fact that some of this actually happened to a certain degree is just disturbing."The Factory" might be slow paced, but it is an outstanding movie that really should be watched if you enjoy crime thrillers. Quite a unique movie experience.
I love John Cusack. Not romantically, but I really enjoy seeing him on the screen. For me, he makes even weak films watchable. That is the also case with "The Factory".This is a B-grade thriller with an uninspired script, cardboard-cutout characters and a twist.I don't usually have problems with movies in which you know everything about the plot before the main characters do, because a movie can be predictable and solid at the same time, but here it's all over the place. I felt no tension, no suspense whatsoever. The movie tried to force it on me at times but didn't succeed.Almost every character, every line of the dialogue and every scene felt very familiar. I have seen them all a hundred times before. Tired, clichéd and pretty much boring. Yes, one character was made bland on purpose probably to BETTER SUIT THE HORRIFYING TWIST SO YOU WOULDN'T SEE IT COMING, but you still a) see it coming and b) know it's lazy writing.I never was a fan of Jennifer Carpenter, and this film certainly doesn't help. I can't blame her acting as much as I'd probably like, because her lines are so badly written I wanted to punch my TV for more than a few times. I thought her character was simply bad.The bad guy's (Dallas Roberts) plan is...well, interesting at the very least. It would've been more exciting if I could've suspended my disbelief more. I just couldn't believe the whole arrangement and especially the transformation of his victims. Writer/director Morgan O'Neill probably wanted to create something shocking and surreal, but no. This is not how you do it. It felt silly and I didn't believe it for one second. Again, I can't blame the actors that much (even if I will blame them a little), the writing and directing just...it's so mediocre that it shows in everything.That said, I did watch it to the end and I got to see some John Cusack. He's not going to win any awards for this one but he's decent enough for me not to feel too angry about this movie. Caught in on TV anyway, didn't have to pay for this. That's what I recommend for others too: see it on TV or borrow it from a friend/library if you really have to see this, but don't blindly pay any money for it.(edit: Oh! I liked some of the snowy winter scenery too. Does that help? No.)
So I went into The Factory based solely on the facts that a) it was available on Netflix and b) John Cusack is in it (can't go wrong with a Cusack flick right?). For the majority of the movie it plays like your standard abduction/cat-and-mouse film. Cop chases bad guy, bad guy hides really well and, of course, there's the obligatory moment where the cop has to get personally involved because of the abduction of a family member. All of these are pretty standard pieces of the genre. Now, the issue that everyone seems to have with this movie is the ending which, I'll admit, is reaching quite a bit to be something that it just wasn't set up to be. Although about 75% of the way through the film most smart fans should be able to pick out what's going to happen. In short, it's an entertaining film if you're bored and have nothing else to check out. If you're looking for hyper intelligent film making, skip it, look elsewhere, but for a night at the house with some popcorn, it's worth the 1 1/2 hour or so investment.