The Favorite

1989 "He stole her innocence. She stole his heart....and his empire."
4.5| 1h44m| en

A French girl is kidnapped and sold as slave to the sultan of the Ottoman Empire.


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Majorthebys Charming and brutal
Srakumsatic A-maz-ing
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
SnoopyStyle It's 1784 France. Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry chafes under the strict nuns. She is too independent and her uncle sends her back to the nuns. Pirates capture her ship and she is kidnapped to Algiers ending up in the Ottoman Sultan's harem. She resists being renamed and the scheming by Sineperver (Maud Adams). Sultan Abdul Hamid (F. Murray Abraham) picks her and she refuses. When he offers to not sleep with her, she relents. She becomes his favorite and gives him another heir. Sineperver's son Mustafa is in line to be the next Sultan and she sends an assassin to kill Aimée's son. The Sultan gives her Mahmud to adopt. The Janissaries are restless for war against the Russians but they are outmatched without modern weapons.This is a strange movie. It's half exploitative melodramatic romance. It's also a period piece historical drama. It's reminiscent of a pulpy romance novel. Surprisingly, this has a couple of interesting veteran actors. On the other hand, the lead is a young amateur although she's not the problem. Amber O'Shea definitely has model good looks. She has spunk and that is charismatic enough. The production is lower value but the locations are pretty good. This is cheese but I must admit that it's memorable cheese.
dla100 What I saw was a throwback to cliché-cluster flicks of decades ago, but the soundtrack puts it firmly in the eighties.It is thumpingly and enormously awful, as wretched and phony a film as could be conceived. Tittering harem ladies a'bathing, stern Turks delivering script bits from the 100 Most Popular Stock Lines for the genre. They might as well have gone beyond the scattered skin peeks to a fuller soft-core intention -- all pillow-plush and pleasures in the sultan's palace, because that's already the quality/ambiance/performance level of much of this thin 'n cheesy production.The producers may have scored the perfectly suited shooting location, but much else in the movie seems to be reaching for the furthest reaches of inauthenticity.Admissions: There is amusement, even delight, in encountering something so consummately lame, in wondering who could work on it and think for a moment this embarrassment should be taken seriously. I really did laugh out loud a few times at this painfully acted, double-dreadfully written, obliviously directed caricature. Maybe I WOULD view a portion of it again, preferably with someone else. "Look! this! Watch!"And..I only made it through the early half. Turned away easily without even the tiniest rhinestone of regret. (A bug buzzing by in the living room could be diversion enough from this bungle.) Could be...could be that when it moved deeper into violence and intrigue, into dramatic seizures(!) of fate and steering of history, it took a turn toward something more engaging and more plausibly presented. Could happen...right?
cynthiajis Years ago I saw this as a late night movie, and have remembered it since. It is a haunting story. It begins with a flash-forward, an abduction of a priest. The rest of the move is a flash-back, explaining why he is abducted. A British woman is on a ship which is attacked by Muslims and taken captive, then sold to be in the harem of the king. The plot includes palace intrigue, loss of innocence and freedom, rules and resistance, jealousy and hate, war and death, survival and double cross, an unlikely romance, the bonds of love and devotion. I seem to remember that the story has some basis in historical fact, and would like to know more about that. Even having seen the movie only the one time, it was so unique and compelling that I recall the story and details to this day. Adult themes: Not a movie for children, but they are being exposed to worse. (I'm pleased to have found this movie on your list, since it is not well known.)
Valen-10 A captivating, straight-from-the-heart historical drama,based on a true story. Features a beautiful film score (byWilliam Goldstein II) and authentic scenery (the movie was shoton location in Istanbul). The characters are well crafted andsensitively portrayed. Foremost among the acting performances, which are alloutstanding and convincing, is that of F. Murray Abraham(perhaps best known for his role as Salieri in Amadeus). Heportrays the old sultan Abdu'l-Hamid, who buys a Frenchschoolgirl for his harem and renames her 'Nakhshadil', unawareof the profound effect she will later have on his country. The French schoolgirl, Aimee Dubucq de Rivery, is played byactress Amber O'Shea in a down-to-earth manner that some viewersmay not appreciate; nevertheless, her portrayal of Aimee isendearing and plausible. The character of Aimee was not meant tobe portrayed as a larger-than-life heroine, but rather as aculturally-displaced spoiled brat who was forced to grow up andtake charge of her life in order to survive in the moreprimitive, oppressive Ottoman society. Maud Adams skillfully portrays Abdu'l-Hamid's jealous wife,Sineperver. James Michael Gregary stars as the handsome butnaive successor to the throne, Selim, who becomes romanticallyinvolved with Aimee yet fails to heed her warnings about theneed for political reforms and the elimination of the troublesome elite guard known as the Janissaries. Ron Dortchbrings to life the complex character of Tulip, a eunuch who isthe second most powerful official in the Ottoman Empire (afterthe Sultan). The interactions of these individuals take placeamidst Ottoman royal court intrigues as Western Europeaninfluences begin to have a major impact.