The Flu

2013 "Death goes viral."
6.6| 2h2m| R| en

A case of the flu quickly morphs into a pandemic. As the death toll mounts and the living panic, the government plans extreme measures to contain it.


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BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
aloweecey First of all, it's a good movie. It hits all the usual K-Horror tropes with actors who can act. On top of that, it possess that rare gem, a child actor who isn't annoying! She's funny and adorable and believable and I enjoyed her scenes. So far, so good.Then the flu hits epidemic proportions and things go to hell. Think "The Last Man on Earth" with better CGI, and government officials as weaselly and amoral as the officials in "Torchwood: Children of Earth."Then the evil genius put his/her finger on the mom-button and left it there. If I had ANY idea of the mom-button pushing for the last half of this, I would not have watched it. For those with no mom-buttons to push, I recommend this movie. It's terrifically frightening in a "this could happen tomorrow in real life" sense. High production values. Good acting. Good FX. Quality all around. Just beware before you press Play.
JustCallMeD This is the triumphant story of how one single mother was able to care more for saving her daughter than her country, or the World for that matter, despite her profession as epidemiologist. Overall a decent watch, but while the little kid is cute as hell she gets annoying way too quickly. It's basically all about the mother feeling bad for emotionally neglecting her daughter, then an outbreak happens, and she spends the rest of the movie trying to save her. At one point she even has the cure in her hand and is ready to throw away millions of lives just to find out where some medical staff took her daughter. The emotions are so simplistic and cliché it's a bit insulting to the characters that the actors are portraying. Don't expect this film to blow your mind, and if it does you maybe want to pay a little more attention to expanding your mind.
Reno Rangan Where everyone began to love K-movies I am repelling away. Yeah its the fact happening to me for the last few K-movies I saw. I am kinda faded with those. The reason behind is overdone sentiments with a 8 year old girl character in all the movies. It's become a usual routine for the Korean movie makers to use little girl character and at the end a couple of touching lines delivered by them. Believe me it happened to me during 'Miracle in Cell No. 7' as well.I am a 'tearjerker' movie fan, remarking my favourite theme movie in dark shades is unfortunate. This movie was also had such kinda role. Beside the little girl two other characters had a prominent part. Korean movies are kinda popular among movie goers. So the stories as well in their movies improved a lot which gives international appeal. Like, this story which tells about a deadly disease or called bird flu that recently shaken the world.The story was okay, but the characters were utilised very well. And another highlight of the movie was the almost flawless graphics. Like I said the movie was thrilling and enjoyable as a collaboration of adventure and science fiction until the melodrama strikes at the end. I found it kinda realistic, the people's response during the epidemic occurrence. Even smartly told how the political works during those times. Especially the vocal battle between Korean and American officials really heats up the momentum.It is a perfect movie if you are looking for a pre apocalypse theme. I am glad it was a single movie, in the west for a same story they will drag into a trilogy like 'World War Z'. Introduction and initiating theme in the first, escaping and surviving in the second and grand solution in the third. This K-movie had all those in here itself and nothing left for a sequel. But still can be dragged into a sequel in different aspect of the story that continue from here after. Finally, I conclude by saying, the stuffs that happened in this movie will affect your life (in a humorous way) when you see a person around you who coughs.
Snaggletooth . Proving once again that other countries can easily match Hollywood, or outdo them, The Flu is a great little (well actually quite big) flick that starts off as some light- hearted caper and develops into a blockbuster. I enjoyed every minute of it. This year brings the Raid 2 movie and what will Hollywood be able to match that with? Not much I suspect. Really, if people only knew what lay behind those subtitled releases (that so many refuse to watch) they'd discover more fantastic cinema than they could ever handle. Yes, The Flu is actually quite heavy on the Americanized style, but maybe this is good, as it would be a great flick to start getting into foreign cinema for the uninitiated. There's a bit of the soundtrack too that sounded very like it was taken from 28 weeks later haha. But this one shouldn't be missed. And watch until the end for the shots after the credits have rolled.