The Forever Dead

2.1| 1h42m| en

A crazed rabbit goes zombie on a small community, turning its inhabitants into zombies. Six people struggle with their own inner demons, some of which are more frightening than the zombies they are trying to survive.


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Brain Damage Films


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Also starring Chris Graham

Also starring Mina Edgerton


BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
CorblimeyGuvnors 5th Movie into the Catacomb of creepshows box set and what can I say !!! The worst so far. An infected rabbit escapes from a lab and bites people which turn them into zombies. Let's start with the rabbit itself. It looks like flattened road kill being dragged on the floor. The zombies, well they never die even when shot in the head (well they are the forever dead). Also these zombies are fast, except when they are chasing a woman with a broken leg on crutches, or when they feel like slowing down from time to time !!! There is also digital rain in one scene, you can tell it is digital as everyone has dry hair and clothes. There are zombie children in this also, and do not worry, they were not psychologically scarred, as you can see them smiling when they attack people and look to be having a good time. Ultimately I struggled through this due to the very bad acting. I always like to think of a positive so would say that some of the gore was good and I liked the music. I can appreciate that this was shot on next to no budget.
shadowfever I watched this as part of a 50 movie no budget collection called Catacomb of Creepshows. This definitely was not the worst in the collection.I love horror movies. I am a fan of micro-budget horror films. I make them myself so I appreciate anyone who has the fortitude and the courage to attempt and then complete one. That doesn't mean they are all good, that doesn't mean they are even watchable.Problems: Much too long. Should have had at least 20 minutes cut. Script was too loose, definitely should have been tightened up. Most of the acting could have been improved upon. The tendency in these types of movies is to use friends and relatives. In most places there is a pretty large contingent of actors and actresses who are willing to act in low dollar projects just to have the opportunity to work. Take advantage of that.Please use the sticks. Hand-held cameras should be outlawed in low budget films. Light it please. Find someone with a photography background to use as your DP or learn to light. Light kits don't have to be expensive and they make a world of difference.Good points: They looked like they enjoyed themselves. Some of the gore was pretty good. The special effects were laughable but fun. Not a complete waste of time but I hope they learned something from this one and do better on the next.
jessie6-1 This film has lots of creativity with a very small budget. Being in the film, I have seen it a number of times. I recently saw "The Forever Dead" screened in front of about 50 people. There were laughs and cheers when the zombie rabbit showed up. There were moans of disgust during some of the more gory scenes. If you want to entertain your friends with a film that will make you laugh between scenes of extreme gore, this is it. If you like horror films that have some comedy in them like Evil Dead, this film is for you. I don't expect this film to win any academy awards or be made into a musical, but it isn't Hollywood cookie cutter crap like Legally Blonde 4 either.
msw_rdc Now I'm a great believer in finding new talent to inject new life into the horror genre, but unfortunately this film fails on the very basic level of film making. I started watching this hoping for another "Bad Taste". (Peter Jackson's first feature), unfortunately from the get go the director Christine Parker gets it all wrong.Obscure Camera angles and shaking cameras are not a very good start. If the film was being filmed like "cloverfield" you might be able to get away with it, but the worst problem for me was the actor's awareness of the cameras.Mind you I suppose with the camera positioned at such stupid angles and incredible close up to the actors face maybe it was off putting. One last point about the film is the sound, the music is very important in setting tension and so forth, all we had in this film was a few completely inappropriately placed music tracks. The rest of the time it was quiet. So, all in all the director Christine Parker is not a fresh new talent waiting to be discovered. I wish I could say something positive about this film but I can't. It would be easy for me to say don't let any of these guys near a camera again, but we all have to start somewhere. I hope they have learned from this film, and you're next feature is hundred times better. Before you do your next zombie feature why don't you rent out "bad taste" or "Dead Alive" to see what really can be accomplished on a relatively low budget.