The Four Warriors

2015 "Darkness is coming. Heroes must rise. The legend begins."
2.8| 1h32m| en

Four battle-weary Crusaders take on a mission to track down the evil predator who has abducted all the men and children from a devastated village.


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Also starring Fergal Philips


BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Platypuschow Fantasy has to be the most underused genre these days, it's so rare to see one grace the silver screen and even straight to DVD movies are few and far between compared to every other genre.The Four Warriors tells the story of *Drumroll* four warriors who come to the aid of a town where all the men and children have been taken during the night by unseen forces.Lots of character development is on display but very little else.It all looks the part as they often do, from the locations to the costumes it certainly looks authentic but when it comes to actual sfx it lacks. Thankfully it avoids CGI but its practical sfx are really poor and let the movie down.The Four Warriors is nothing to write home about and certainly doesn't do anything to help the representation of fantasy movies but isn't as bad as most of the reviews would suggest.Bad, but not THAT bad.The Good:Settings are greatThe Bad:Kristian Nairn"Demons" look terribleHas no real flowThings I Learnt From This Movie:"God & fighting do not go together" has to be the most ironic line I've ever heard in a movie.............ever
adrianomartorana Terrible script, laughable acting talent and childish make up. This film is so bad that it is like a poor school play. I stuck with it over three days as I kept falling asleep watching it. I persevered simply because I could not believe how bad it was and wanted to see whether there was anything good. In the end I discovered something - the reason Odo in Game of Thrones has no lines is because he's a useless actor. Positively the worst film I have ever seen and if I could give it a minus score I would. The location was not bad I suppose - but then that's nature. The monsters were worse than a 1960s Doctor Who special effect trial. The few special effects they tried were silly. All I can say is bad bad bad bad bad.
Marco van belle OK, so this isn't a big budget production. In fact, it's probably a 'micro-budget' production. But what I really enjoyed about it is that the filmmakers didn't let that limit the scale of their story. The people who made this film obviously love big, epic fantasy films... and they decided to make one despite the budgetary limitations. And they did a really good job! Some of the baddies makeup effects don't quite come off and let it down a little, but this is an enjoyable ensemble film with some very nicely written bits of buddy-movie dialogue that could very easily be in a Hollywood blockbuster. And the relationships between the four warrior characters are nicely drawn, with the characters well acted.It's also nicely shot, with good use of locations - which usually let lower budget films down.If you only like fantasy films with $100m budgets and thousands of CGI warriors going into battle etc, then this probably won't be for you.But if you enjoy fantasy stories and buddy movies give it a try.
s3276169 Oh dear, they did try, bless them. This film is so bad its actually funny. If it had been marketed as a satire of the warrior/action film genre and had thrown in a few Monty Pyton style gags, it might have even been a minor hit. By and large for me at least, the only way to watch this film from end to end is to treat it as a comedy of errors. Bad sets, bad costumes, hilarious fight scenes and generally chuckle worthy acting. Its the kind of production you might expect the Lower Putney Medieval Enactment Society to put on after a minor win at Lotto.My advice, watch this one when you have had a few beers and you are in the mood for a laugh. You wont be disappointed. One out of ten from me.

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