The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

2008 "They'll be taking a few liberties with the rules."
7.3| 1h45m| en

All Lodge wants is for his gaming group to finish their adventure. Unfortunately, they're more interested in seducing barmaids, mooning their enemies, and setting random villagers on fire. Desperate to rein in his players, Lodge injects two newbies into the party: a non-player character controlled by Lodge, who the power gamers immediately distrust, and the rarest gamer of all -- a girl.


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Dead Gentlemen Productions


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FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Leofwine_draca THE GAMERS: DORKNESS RISING is an indie comedy that explores the wacky world of Dungeons & Dragons and the people who play it. The story is about a real geek who wants to play the game seriously only to have his efforts thwarted by his group of friends wanting to mess around instead. This film is very cheap and slapdash, with wooden acting throughout, and some of the cosplay scenes are largely embarrassing. But there's no denying the enthusiasm of those involved, although to enjoy it you really need to be a fan of roleplaying games yourself.
N. N. There are few films that deal with things that I would consider myself an expert on, this one is.After some years of Fantasy Role Playing we split, me not leaving without a sense of shame of what I had become: a dork.You see, these things are really canonical, it happens to everybody.First you create a character fairly and it dies after the first attack.Then you help a little with the constitution, and while you're at it, why not help with strength, intelligence, intuition, charisma and dexterity too? This in turn frustrates the game master who doesn't know how to deal with this invincible gang. And after a while it bores the players too, so they start to create ever more exotic race-profession combinations, no matter how ludicrous it is.I created a Druedain warrior monk, yeah, not that far from the film.And that's not all to be said about the destructiveness of the inherent dynamic of this devilish game (think the hunt for experience points), but just watch the film, it shows it all - and of course the stupidity of its most basic premisses.For this end, in turn, there is no better profession than the bard. I don't exactly understand why the bard became a character in the first place, after all, the blacksmith is none. But once it became one, it had to be mapped into the game flow, that is: it had to be made lethal, at least indirectly. The poking of fun out of this never comes to an end and rightfully so.Sure, it's not exactly a professional production, but I haven't seen a better satire in ages.
gorbash_yu This movie brilliantly captures the atmosphere of a D&D group. While watching, I could not help but notice how vividly characters reminded me of myself and my gaming friends to the point where they acted literally the same as we do. Including the bickering, the fighting, the internal jokes, driving the DM crazy. EVERYTHING.It has it all. Jokes that made me cry, action scenes which, even filmed in low-budget, I found uncannily awesome. The story is pretty straightforward and unsurprising, but that doesn't really matter, since the best part of the movie is to see the characters react and interact with each other and the NPCs.Seriously, if you're playing D&D or any similar RPG, I cannot stress this enough, WATCH THIS MOVIE, it captured beautifully the spirit of D&D.
SeptumSin There are few films that have had me waiting and waiting for release more than this one. This is the latest film from The Dead Gentlemen group responsible for the original Gamers film and the Demon Hunters films. This group has not been terribly active over the last few years but this film is a definite reason to try and keep things up in following their progress.This film follows a group of gamers who are trying to finish a campaign run by a GM frustrated by his group's disregard for his story. With the help of some new blood they attempt the campaign again with hopes of finishing this time.This movie is a breath of fresh air in the movie community and a great improvement over the original. The movie shows respect for the game much like the original movie did but on top of that this movie shows a dramatic improvement on special effects launching it above the simplicity of college films. The acting is fairly decent and the jokes are quite funny.Unfortunately many of the jokes are in jokes so if you are not a gamer you may not find the film as funny as others. So this is why I give the movie an 8 instead of the 9 that I initially thought of. Any case if you are a gamer or know about gaming check this one out you will enjoy it.

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