An action comedy directed by Yarbrough, and gathering Darro, Moreland, Marcia Mae Jones, Keye Luke, Moran, Homans as a dishonest patriarch, and Laurence Criner as Ham Shanks, the black henchman. The script's ideas about dignity and honor seem very conventional (the dubious morality of exonerating the compromised oldster), so there's enough silliness and amorality, coldly registered and assumed. The humor is light, but the main characters do face death. Today, this may seem indifference, perhaps it was a tougher mind. This trend of making crime comedies very light has vanished since. But even back in the day some protested against the mindless playfulness of the crime comedies.Luke plays a distinguished detective, who's ahead of everyone else in understanding the situation.Moreland, who offers the acting highlight (as in almost every other movie he has been in), is sadly billed 5th. But he has been given the 2nd lead, because he's more than the truck-driver's sidekick. For the early '40s, 75 yrs ago, Mantan was Frankie's sidekick, assistant, the unworthy carrier of his shield, nowadays we perceive him as the buddy, indeed like a foreboding of the '80s crime movies; there's an implied more positive attitude toward other races in this movie, see the Chinese detective, also the fact that Criner has been given a part, though a not very flattering one, yet he managed to make a strong impression.Both Darro and Luke are very likable. As in other comedies, Darro and Moran are contrasting characters, with the 2nd being the sillier, and the 1st, more determined, sterner, tenacious, pushing.The usual couple of Marcia and Moran is relegated to the supporting cast. Even in terms of acting, she was way better.Much of the movie's genuine fun should be credited to its director, who knew how to handle light humor (the girl educating the mechanic, or Frankie giving Mantan a driving lesson in the garage).Most of what Monogram had best to give is here.
A trucking company owner tries to get out of debt by killing some truck drivers.This is a neat movie. Well written ,directed,acted, and cast. The interracial angel was particularly heartening. It just goes to show,crime doesn't always pay.Pat Gleason drove the International big truck.Frankie Darro drove the Brockway big truck.Frankie Darro and Pat Gleason were permanent A list actors.Marcia Mae Jones was hot!!
I like this movie with Frankie Darro, Mantan Moreland and Keye Luke. It was funny and interesting. Mantan Moreland is so funny in all the movies he makes, he has those big eyes that pop out at you when he is scared. Keye Luke also played a part with humor.The story is about trucks that get hijacked and who benefits from the stolen and damaged trucks and the products inside.I like Frankie Darro but I thought he played a very bossy part and acted like a bully at times with Jeff (Mantan Moreland) his friend. Darro is a little bit of a man who thinks he is a pitbull.One of the things I did not like was that Jeff (Mantan Moreland)called Darro "Mr Frankie" in the movie. Moreland is black and is never called "Mr Jeff" in the movie.Mantan had to address Darro like he worked for him or that Frankie Darro was his boss. In the beginning neither of them had a job, they were just friends so this highhanded way to address his white friend was improper. The end of the movie had a lot of action.
A series of truck hijackings threatens to put the Overland Transport Company out of business. In fact, the company is so desperate, they agree to hire the inexperienced team of Frankie O'Malley (Frankie Darro) and Jeff Smith (Mantan Moreland) to be their saving grace. But who's really behind the hijackings? When Frankie and Jeff find themselves on the wrong end of a gun barrel, it soon becomes apparent just who the bad guys really are.It's a good thing that The Gang's All Here only runs 61 minutes. Anymore and it would have overstayed its welcome. Oh, it's okay I suppose in an inoffensive sort of way, but it's an awfully lifeless way to spend an hour. While some of the movie is mildly entertaining, most scenes are just plain old dull. The only real entertainment comes from Mantan Moreland. He's one of those few people with enough talent and screen presence to make anything worth watching at least once. This is the first movie I've seen where Moreland is paired with Frankie Darro. I've noticed that the two made a few more movies together, but I'm not sure how much of a hurry I'm in to seek them out. Darro did absolutely nothing for me. In fact, I more often than not found his on-screen persona annoying. The rest of the cast is unremarkable and completely unmemorable. The plot boring is the first word that comes to mind. And the supposed action sequences are anything but. Maybe there are better Darro/Moreland movies out there, but it will be a while until I'm up for discovering them.