The Gangster

6.3| 1h55m| en

"Antapal" is a fact-based tale with documentary segments in which old-timers from the era are interviewed and talk about the young gangsters of 1950s and '60s Thailand, but centres on Dang's friend Jod this time. Jod is a gangster who has been sent to jail as a result of a military coup who brings new order to the streets. In the young gangsters' neighbourhood, it is a uniformed officer named Neung who rules like a dictator and is a frequent thorn in the side of Jod's gang. When he emerges from prison, Jod is a changed man with a determination to set things right. But, knowing no other life, he returns to his old gangster ways with his old crew, which the new kids have joined. Amidst beefing with rival gangs and paranoia over a possible mole within their ranks, Jod's new gang quickly unravels...



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Sahamongkol Film International


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Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
TheFilmGuy1 I must say that I found the first half of this film to be fairly boring. Nothing interesting, lots of characters bouncing around without much depth, and an odd inclusion of what seemed to be interviews with real (?) people that made it almost seem like part documentary. The second half, however, is where I found myself interested. The plot picks up and interesting events start to occur. This biggest issue, however, is that the film lacks focus. Never does it feel like the film has a 100% concrete main character. We see different characters and stories, and I felt it made the film unnecessarily confusing. It would have been amazing if there was a definitive central character. Some may say the character Jod was the central character, but I felt the film bounced around a little too much for that to be true. If the first half had been like the second, and Jod had been more of the focus of the film, I think this would be an amazing movie, but as it stands now, it's only enjoyable.
Sorpse the gangster is a Chinese gangster film set in the 50s. That alone sets it apart from the many others. It is very violent and fun to watch. At first I found it a bit confusing because of the crazy amount of characters but after I while I figured out who was who the film managed to hold my attention the very end. There are a lot of fights but most memorable are the knife fights especially the one where they are binded by their left hands. What I also thought the movie was successful at was making great characters. Each character had their own personality and they all had some sort of back story or side story that we explored. I liked the look at 50s Chinese gangster and the high level of blood and violence earns it extra points.
cinecephale I knew nothing of the film when I saw it and it was a good surprise. Sure the storyline is messy and full of holes, and it is difficult to understand what is going on and why, especially in the first part. But the film is full of energy, action and the actors are great. Krisada Sukosol Clapp makes a great action hero ; he is both scary and touching, making his character deeply human. Apart from being a gangster movie, it is too a historical film of epic proportion; a lot of work went into the recreation of the 1950s and 1960s. I don't know if the depiction of Bangkok in the fifties is historically accurate, but it a interesting to see those gangsters with Elvis, James Dean as heroes and rock and roll everywhere. True or not we believe this vision of the past and of Thailand's history. Not to be missed if you are a fan of gangster films!