Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
There's an easy way to tell the skilled from the fakers and that's to ask them to do that one thing they're good at. Judging from this movie alone I can safely conclude two things. The first is Tim Chey can't direct or write a movie for that matter. And secondly is, there were no geniuses consulted for this. As somebody with an IQ in the genius range I can tell you that geniuses don't talk the way these idiots do. This is how screenwriters think geniuses talk. It's the way that stupid people think smart people talk. It's about using large or impressive sounding words. It's about figuring out answers to seemingly impossible questions. It's how a group of individuals couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag.It's sure to impress people who are, sorry to use the term, stupid. It's sure to impress people who are, sorry to use another term, gullible. And I'm sure it's going to impress anybody that's of the same flavor of Christianity that the writer director is because that is what this movie is all about. It's about God. Tim Chey, as I've found out, is a Christian filmmaker. Now I have no problem with filmmakers that are Christian or even filmmakers that make Christian movies. But Tim doesn't make good movies. He's hit on the idea that all he has to do it play to his audience and he'll never have to worry about making money again. They will see his movie. They will praise it and they will ignore all the problems in favor of a message that appeals to them.The acting ranges from decent to poor but to the people this movie was made for they will admit that the acting was superb. We saw the same movie but without the Jesus colored glasses, I sure didn't see it the way they did.The camera-work ranges from okay to high school. But again, if you're a fan of Jesus, it's nothing short of the best camera-work ever. The direction, the editing the overall feel all fall into the same trap and it's the same result. If you're a born again Christian and care more for the message and not the movie you will like this movie. If you're anything other than that, you will hate it.
Jake Pene
I watched this hoping it would be something that would possibly challenge my mind. Boy was I wrong. The questions asked were okay, but just that. Not much critical thinking went into the questions and even less went into the answers. These characters were all supposed to have IQs over 200 but going by their answers, I'd be surprised if any of them were even above 90. Even the riddles were simple. I didn't even have to think at all to solve them. These people may seem smart to your average person but be warned: they most definitely aren't. It wasn't all bad, in fact, I enjoyed some parts but the idiocy from these so-called "geniuses" annoyed the crap out of me and the moment they brought God into it was the moment it turned into nothing more than your average Pro-Christian propaganda movie where the acting is terrible and logic goes completely out the window (i.e. Similar to God's Not Dead). Probably should've consulted at least one genius before writing something about people who weren't just geniuses but the smartest people in the world.
This is hands down one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. The person who wrote this apparently thought that by telling the audience (this movie is all tell, no show) that their characters were smart, they could trick the audience into thinking that what the characters were saying was smart. No dice. This thing actually pulled out debunked "science" from A 90'S CHAIN EMAIL as "proof" of God's existence. Every single philosophical argument the writer thinks was a "zinger" is drenched in failure, and all of them have been refuted thousands of times by much smarter people than the ones portrayed in this film. And that's just the bad dialogue. Add to that the premise that the destruction of Washington DC would, in this movie's mind, be LITERALLY THE WORST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF EVER (tell that to Hiroshima or the victims of the holocaust), the fact that, at the end of the movie, EXACTLY NO PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN SOLVED, a "twist" ending that not only makes no sense, but makes the preceding film A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE, and you have a truly awful, insulting, and worthless film. I wouldn't even recommend this to fans of bad movies, it's that bad. Do yourself a favor and skip this pile of fail.
In our world helping other people is perhaps the most important we can do. People are the ones who often teach us how to behave in certain unpleasant circumstances. Like 7 geniuses trying to solve these horrible problems. It is not only a moving story but everybody who sees this film stops for a moment or more and think over the meaning of life. One of the best American films I have ever seen with lots of good actors. Baldwin and Helfer are wonderful. In secondary schools it should be a compulsory part of education. I am a teacher and when I want to talk about these topics I always choose this film and students find it a very good example, too. It has not got a happy ending like it often happens in life. It is not a stupid story, it gives us lots of extras. When I first watched it, at the end of the film I was full of emotions and just could not sleep for a while. To put it into a nutshell: Try it and pay attention to The Genius Club.