The Girl of Your Dreams

1998 "A romantic comedy about war, filmmaking and impossible love."
6.7| 2h1m| en

A company of Spanish movie makers leaves Franco's Spain and moves to Hitler's Germany to make a film in co-production. Soon some problems start to arise...


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
fish_stix03 Fernando Trueba's film The Girl of Your Dreams appears on the surface to be like any other war film... a group of people are studied amongst the carnage and eventually come to learn of the true horror of the holocaust and grow in their personal lives as a result. While this is an admirable pretense, the tacky jokes and schmaltzy shout outs to films like Casablanca work against Trueba. Another shortcoming of the film is the portrayal of Goebbels; while it plays on the historical fact that he was a womanizer, he is shown to be a dithering Neanderthal, while in reality, he was a terrifying and calculating genius. Had Trueba shown Goebbels obsession with Macarena as a manifestation of this madman's carnal desires, the themes of the film may have been the better for it.Cruz is fabulous (much more so than in any other English speaking film she's been in) and offers an enticing performance in an otherwise overcooked and ill-humoured extravaganza.
richard donlan I have just got this film on DVD I saw it a couple of years ago during a Penelope Cruz season in Manchester, I enjoyed it then & I enjoyed it just as much now.As a non-Spanish speaker I still got the comic elements & the historical references to a point & now I have it on DVD I can go back & check any bits I have missed.I just like the characters in this film, the fish out of water element of the Spanish in Nazi Germany is very funny the off the cuff one liners are priceless.Cruz & Resinas may be the focus of the film & they are lead the way but everyone gets a moment to shine in this film, segura is my favourite he always steals some or all the limelight in any film he appears.I would heartily recommend this film it may not be up to Belle Epoque but its not far behind.
George Parker "The Girl of Your Dreams" is a dramady which manages neither comedy nor drama and falls on its face with a nonstory screenplay which is little more than a whole lot of bantering and busy work. Telling of a Spanish film company which goes to Berlin during the Nazification of Germany (circa 1938) where the star, Macarena (Cruz), becomes the unwilling object of affection of Nazi propagandist and womanizer Joseph Goebbels, this flick is flat and seemingly devoid of purpose. Although the film has a lot to offer from a solid cast and good production value, its story is devoid of all that stuff we go to movies to see. Requiring two hours of subtitle reading, "The Girl of Your Dreams" is one very well made dud which is almost certain to leave you cold. (C+)
Inka-7 Reviewing the comments, you can spot a trend: people from Spanish speaking countries like the movie while the rest, don't. The reason is that its not possible to translate the movie without loosing a lot in the process: the dialogues and expressions are what really makes the film funny. Personally, I think the movie is fantastic.