The God of Cookery

7.2| 1h35m| en

The most renowned and feared chef in the world loses his title of God of Cookery because of his pompous attitude. Humbled, he sets out to reclaim his title.


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SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bcheng93 i guess i am a pretty big fan of stephen chow. i think i have seen every one of his movies and before he became a big movie star he was on a couple of TVB television series and i have watched those also. the man is a outright comic genius, in fact one of the best in the world.personally for me, all his movies are watchable and they are never too long( 11/2 hours usually ). this particular movie is a little better than his usual efforts...but like i said, they are all funny.the usual suspects are all here in this movie beside's stephen chow. if you've watched enough hk cinema you'll know what i'm talking about. also in here for a couple of quick cameos is johnny to regular lam suet, he was ridiculously funny. there is also famous television personalities and also the beautiful karen mok in one of her first movies.i've noticed this and that is in everyone of his movies that came out he always has the "hot' or "it" girl at the moment. in this movie it is karen mok. one of the things i liked about the movie besides the endless jokes and gags is that it deals with Chinese cooking and i loved how they showed this in the movie. some of it is real(like using overnight rice to make fry rice)and most of it is not, but a lot is steeped in Chinese cooking legend. the beef balls are actually made that way with the two batons, and the garbage noodles are available in just about every food-stall to this day.the 18 bronze-men of shaolin gag was used twice and both times sidesplitting funny. the ping-pong scene with the beef balls gag is so famous everybody knows of it in hk and china.if you're looking to laugh yourself silly i recommend that you try out this movie. cooking, kung-fu and stephen, you can't beat that combination.
BA_Harrison I fail to understand the cult of the celebrity chef: I find the likes of Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey thoroughly obnoxious and the importance that has been placed on their unexceptional vocation an insult to the average hardworking Joe who toils away in obscurity.Almost as perplexing as the popularity of these irritating, over-exposed and overpaid cooks is the number of positive comments for Stephen Chow's The God of Cookery (the majority of which seem to have come from Western viewers!). I've seen more than my fair share of wacky Hong Kong movies, but the succession of crass toilet gags, wacky facial contortions, childish slapstick, and oddball zaniness left me stony faced and frequently scratching my head in confusion. Quite what everyone else found so irresistible about this film is a mystery to me.Maybe The God of Cookery is an acquired taste, repeated viewings revealing hitherto undiscovered subtle flavours, but to be honest, I doubt it and am in no hurry to find out. I think I've lost my appetite for HK comedy for the time being.3.5 out of 10, generously rounded up to 4 for IMDb.
Ryu Blue I've seen all of Stephen Chow's comedies, and The God of Cookery is on the top of my list (right above From Beijing with Love). This film is the perfect "Intro to Stephen Chow" for all the unfortunate people that have yet been subjected to his spectacular brand of humour. If you're a fan of Chinese films, you must see this movie. If you're not, that's just too bad... it's never too late though.
leighm This film is laugh-out-loud material throughout. For those familiar with Hong Kong cinema, you'll get an extra kick out of the razor-sharp spoofs of various genre by Stephen Chow, but even if this is your first-ever HK film you'll find it non-stop laughs.Chow plays the so-called "God of Cookery", a media hype creation who is a legend in his own mind, but not necessarily the kitchen. When he involves himself in a shady business deal, he is publicly shamed and loses all of his wealth and fame. After meeting up with the tough-as-nails Sister Turkey, a street food vendor (played to the hilt by Karen Mok), he seeks to regain his fame and fortune... but still hasn't quite learned his lesson yet - that takes a bit more plot and dozens more jokes.Highly recommended! I rate it a 10 out of 10.

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