The Graveyard

3.2| 1h23m| R| en

Six friends go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. When a "harmless" prank ends in the accidental death of one of the group, the prankster goes to prison. Five years later the friends meet up in the cemetery again to resolve the issues of that fatal night. When members of the group start getting murdered one at a time, they realize that this time it's no prank.


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Also starring Trish Coren


Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
sobhagraveyardfreak I was really impressed with the cover of the page instead of many horror movies I have selected this to watch how the four dudes in summer camp fall in trap and have killings...I would review it as average good movie because there are instances in the movie where I would connect to the movie but I have lost with the few characterizations in the movie...the connectivity was missing for the entire movie...the fall on the graveyard was of the graveyard was realistic..the city view was superb..Other then this the movie has great picture quality sound and story narration was absolutely superb....I liken Michael Feifer thought process the way he narrated the story..
preppy-3 A bunch of high school idiots sneak into a graveyard late one night. They decide to play hide and seek but one dies in a tragic accident. Bobby (Patrick Scott Lewis) is accused and sent to jail for it. Five years later he's released and his former friends take him to a summer camp near the graveyard to help him get over it (???). While there they are attacked by a masked killer who kills them one by one. Is it Bobby or someone else? Seriously you won't care!The plot is insultingly stupid with cardboard characters--there's the slutty girl, the obnoxious over-sexed guy, the now clichéd lesbians, the nerd and the ever present good girl and good guy. There's also a LONG needless shower scene that the straight guys in the audience will enjoy. Also the plot is stupid with some real pointless twists that add nothing to it. Plot inconsistencies abound--night changes to day almost immediately, the graveyard STILL has a hole in its wall five years later and is there really a summer camp that's 10 MILES away from civilization? There are plot holes galore and the explanation at the end doesn't really make a bit of sense. Two of the actors--Leif Lillehawgen (as Jack) and Lewis (as Bobby) are pretty awful. Also the VERY end was a groaner. To make it worse this was shot direct to video and the image is very soft and fuzzy.On the good side there IS some good acting by Lindsay Ballew (as Michelle and especially Markus Potter (as Peter). The other actors are OK. The killings are bloody, violent and well done. There are a few cute lines here and there too like "Nothing good ever comes of a girl going into a dark basement". But, all in all, a pretty by the numbers slasher.
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** A romp in the graveyard at midnight didn't turn out to be such a good idea for young Eric as he ended up being chased by a masked psycho ending up impaled on a steel fence. We soon find out, what Eric didn't live long enough to, that the whole thing was just a joke, a deadly joke, played on him by his friends. The joke not only ended up killing him but the person who was chasing Eric, that lead to his untimely death, Bobby ended up doing time, five years, in prison for manslaughter. It's now five years later with Bobby released on parole and him and his friends, who were involved in Erics death, now back at the scene of the crime. Everyone involved with Eric's death want to reflect and meditate at what they did to the poor guy and finally have closer to what happened; but closer is not what Eric or whoever the masked killer is wants he wants revenge!Not bad slasher flick that keeps you guessing to who's doing all the slashing with this masked psycho doing in everyone at Camp Placid where all of Eric's friends are staying. There's a lot of very heavy action going on at the camp as well with the big stud Jack, or "Jock de Lovier", of the group of young people trying to make it with all the cute and sexy chicks there. Intead of making it Jack ends up losing his head, literately, when things start to go over it as well as get out of control.Bobby the ex-con of the bunch who at first didn't seem to care less of what's was going on at Camp Placid later started to get very apprehensive over all the killing. Bobby feeling that he's, being a convicted felon, going to be held responsible for them by the local authorities. He then tries to get help only to end up arrested, by the county's cop or Man of the Year 1974, and put behind bars for a murder that he not only didn't commit but didn't even now about: the killing and decapitation of some unidentified biker.The masked killer does in almost all the people who came to say grace and reflect on Eric's life and death but also adds a new victim to his list Zoe a dike. Zoe was after one of Eric's friends Sarah who broke up with her because she was getting too much into the hot and heavy leather scene. Not at all interested in the rough trade Sarah felt that it was time for her to split. With Bobby found innocent, through a fax from the state police, of the bikers murder he's released by Sheriff "Man of the Year 1974" and shoots, with the dead bikers bike, straight to the graveyard knowing just who the killer, from the fax identifying the headless biker, is and trying to save, it turned out to be sweet Michelle, whoever is still left alive of the group that came there with him.You don't exactly expect to see "Hamlet" or "Citizen Kane" here but for a slasher film its not all that bad at all. The on the loose psycho really gets to do his thing in a number of bloody and gruesome cut-up jobs before he reveals himself. It then, knowing that this is going to be his big moment in the movie, he lets it all hang out especially his tongue and eyeballs as he goes completely wacko. Trying to finish off those still left alive including "Man of the Year 1974" who does such a good job in apprehending the killer, in fact he screwed everything up, that he's promised by his boss, the county's top cop, that he's been put in for being honored as "Man of the Year 2006"; but not to hold his breath waiting to get the award.
onceaweek_doomed this was one of the funniest movies i've seen in a while. i laughed sooo hard! when Allie was being chased by a ravenous murderer, she was simply jogging up the stairs. i could actually imagine her going: "one, two, one, two, three... and... once more, ladies: one, two..." and the killer simply and quite dully slashed her leg with the knife. but, honestly... this killer must have had a speed hack(and counter-striker's know what i'm talking about): he kept playing with his victims (as an example, in the "chasing Allie" scene, he jumped up the stairs, wounded her, disappeared, somehow climbed to the top of the stairs - the path he used is a secret which is yet to be reveled - and reappeared, waiting for the terrified girl to walk into his arms... and then ,he disappeared once more, without even touching the poor girl. what kind of a psycho would do that??? )... later on , it was obvious to me that he also had a wall-hack, as wherever his victims went, he just KNEW. the graveyard was full of... well, what could a graveyard be full of?! tombstones, burial vaults were all around. Sarah found the perfect one for her to hide in and.. what does the killer do?! goes right in after her. then, at the very end, the killer gets stabbed and shot in the head. what do you think he's next move will be? obviously, he manages to get in the car the survivors entered and drive them... to another, better place. he had the invincibility hack turned on as well. that's not fair, man. i hate the freaking cheaters!but, to be completely honest, i think we are dealing with a wide range of human types: we have the sex-obsessed guy; the nerd the entire group hated(but he was accepted, obviously, thanks to those charming eyes of his); the murderer that has spent 5 years in a prison convinced that it wasn't (entirely) his fault; the retarded sheriff; the cool guy that gets scared so easily that he gladly throws himself into death's open arms; the innocent boy that was turned into a mass-murderer because his brother died and his family couldn't get over it; the sex-obsessed girl who became a teacher; the "i'm so smart i can't have fun" girl who gets to survive(why??? why does she always survive???); the lesbian obsessed with her friend; and i could go on forever. what other movie that you know has managed to portray so beautifully these human types? obviously, none.let's get back to the point, though: it was a funny movie, if you were in the mood for a bad horror movie(and, luckily enough, i was. otherwise, i would have turned off the TV as soon as the action turned... the way it did.). i must tell you the truth: stay away from this movie. it was funny, but it's not supposed to be so. if a friend tells you that it was great, he's lying - say no. if someone stops you on the street and asks you to watch the movie - say no. if someone offers you money to watch this movie - say no. unless he promises you big bucks. then ,you could give it a try. you might have to stay in bed a couple of days to recover, and only you will be able to tell if it was worth it...