Thanks for the memories!
I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
Like most people, my expectations were low for 'Part III' of the Hangover series, and rather predictably it turned out to be the worst of the three. The first film was never going to be matched for its fresh jokes and hilarious, memorable individual scenes, but this was still a disappointing sequel. Part III is severely lacking in ideas and originality and, while it did occasionally crack me up, the laughs just don't flow like they did in the first film.If this was a stand alone comedy movie, judged in its own right, it would have probably gone down a lot better. I think the audience had unreal expectations of both this and the second film which were never going to be met and, as a result, many reviews, including from critics, are exaggerating just how bad it is. 'The Hangover Part III' is a perfectly watchable comedy movie, not terrible by any means, but disappointing when measured against the hilarious first film.
I like to think that this movie is good, it made me laugh at some points, the characters acted well and wore the same style they had in the previous 2 parts, but still it is not something great. I think that the first part was way better than this one. I have seen much funnier movies, even though I expected more humour from a Hangover movie. 6/10 7 at best
I liked the first 2, obviously others did too because they grossed 4-5 x's their cost to make. This one barely, if, covered cost! Why? Killing a darling giraffe at the start and thinking that would be funny is just really messed up! I turned that nasty thing off. What do the filmmakers think; we will just watch anything? I mean this guy has made so many good movies! What was he thinking?
Johan Dondokambey
The movie seems to be a forced third installment in creating the forced trilogy of sorts. While the second movie only changes the location of the entire plot line from the first movie, this third movie tries to innovate with new plot altogether. The move to still incorporate old elements of the story like Chow and even Marshall is quite nice. But the movie ultimately has to gave up it's main concept of the comedy resulted from the friends having a severe hangoer. Literally, the movie loses the thing that gives it its own title, and relied only on the previously built characters and their relationships. For me that played out quite nice, even the thing with the baby is another nice addition. But by doing so this movie really sacrifices on the humor and comedies. The jokes feel rather dry. Even the opening feels like it's meant for a thriller or sorts. The acting is strangely decreasing in overall. This time it's all about Zach Galifianakis' character, but he doesn't seem to be in control of the depiction. Bradley Cooper acted out just a standard performance here, and so did Ed Helms.