Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Derry Herrera
Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Laura England
OK, so I was going to log on and write a decent review of this film, which I saw over the weekend at the European Independent Film Festival, and then I see its listed as a comedy. WHAT?! There was not even an aspect of a joke throughout this film, unless the director had an incredibly sick sense of humour.The film is basically about a happy couple, Lea and Harry, who decide to have a baby after 6 years together (despite Lea not being too enthusiastic about it), anyway, Lea has a terrible time in labour and has to be (as they put it) "ripped from front to back", once they return from the hospital Lea is obviously a changed woman, she seems detached and quiet and pays almost no attention to their newborn son, Junior. Anyway, after the traumatic childbirth, Lea tries to kill their son by suffocating him and hiding him in a box and then happily saying to her husband "its just the two of us now" in the next few scenes she also tries to drown the boy and is tempted to suffocate him in his sleep. Harry then submits her to a mental institution where we find out more about her troubled childhood.I admit that the story has a great plot, the actors do a great job and the story makes a lot of sense, but I cant help but be disappointed with the tacky, happy ending, in which everything is back to normal and they're a happy family once again. Also, there were a lot of aspects in the film, particularly during the childbirth and mental institution scenes which were quite disturbing and uncomfortable to watch, and actually made me feel quite ill.It is a decent film, and if you like the sound of it, i'd give it a watch, although i'm pretty sure I won't be watching it again anytime soon.
Lea, played by Carice van Houten, is a stewardess married to Harry (Waldemar Torenstra) who is in the real estate business. Their life seems to be going well, they live in a nice spacious home and they have a happy marriage that they consume regularly (as shown in the first couple of minutes, keeping with the Dutch tradition). Then they decide to have a child and Lea falls into a postpartum depression...Contrary to what IMDb might say, this is certainly not a comedy. It has some moments which light up the film, but I merely smiled when they were on screen. They were brilliant, yes, but not meant to cause a moment of hysteric laughter, something I associate with the label 'comedy'. I'd much rather label this solely as a drama and romantic film.Carice van Houten, probably Holland's most popular actress of today (and for good reason), has delivered. She is phenomenal in every scene, whether she has to be happy living her perfect, glossed-over life before the baby, or having a difficult birth, or playing an utterly desperate woman. She's so very believable that you can't help but love her character, even though this is a difficult subject and some of her actions would be incomprehensible otherwise. It's the genius of the scriptwriter and Carice's acting that makes you understand and sympathise.Waldemar Torentstra does his job very well, and being unfamiliar with his work I am definitely interested in seeing more of him. However, I don't know if the script asked for this but, I'd have loved to have him be a bit more extreme in some scenes. I feel like he's been holding back, and while I'm not sure if he's been asked to do so by the director I think it would have been a good decision to completely let go in some scenes, giving the film that little extra push. Having said that (I don't want to give anything away) maybe this is just a matter of personal preference.Overall, this film gripped me in a way no other Dutch film has done for me so far. Of all films I've seen in my lifetime, this film definitely holds one of the top spots. I was blown away and would recommend it to anyone, whatever language you may speak, just get a DVD with subtitles.
An awful product.Barely watchable...the acting and directing is well.... it makes you shiver for how low the quality is .Un-be-lie-va-ble. Here in the Lowlands from time to time we have a period inwich almost every 'important 'dutch-cinema Moloch features the same cast of leading lady' it's time for dutch 'darling 'Carice van Houten '..this meagerly talented 'actress appears in almost every dutch thing that hits the cinema kartel....but this film scripted after a book from 'journalist 'heleen van Rooijen gave her the change to portray the worst acting achievement in years ! only maybe surpassed by her male counterpart... summary: script: midiocre-story non-interestingly portrayed - acting the worst for years to come.Non of the characters are real & alive..only awfully and superficially constructed clichés.... How can anyone take this product seriously...luckily i don't and thus had a fun time watching it !!!
This is not a bad movie at all but it at the same time is also far from the must see movie that some people make you believe it is. It's definitely not a movie that is without its flaws and its weaker points.Once you have seen those extreme and traumatizing moments of child birth in this movie, you'll think twice about getting pregnant, as a woman. It's not only psychically hard but also mentally, which causes the main character to see the baby as 'something' that only gave her lots of pain and she just can't bond with him because of this. 'It' becomes even a bigger nuisance to her back home, when it changes her social life and the relationship she has with her husband. It's perhaps a bit of a hard story to believe, that a woman could get suddenly so depressed and also quite insane after giving birth to a child, where it not that you know that this story is actually being based on the true real life experience of the female author of this book, that the movie got based on.It's also being a well told story, that helps to make the story a believable one but at the same time it's also one that really didn't got me emotionally involved with any of the characters or events happening in this movie. Perhaps this is just the type of movie females will get more involved with and are better able to relate with the characters and their emotions. It's very much a movie that is being told from the female perspective, with obviously a female as the main lead but also with a female director and only female writers involved.I am still not sure what to think of the overall narrative of the movie. I sort of feel that it gets into its 'action' and to its point too fast, which causes its beginning to feel a bit rushed and in the end to movie is trying to handle and resolve too many issues. I'm sure this is all being handled better in the novel, by Heleen van Royen, that of course has more time to set up its characters and certain situations and reach conclusions much better and more effective, than an 100 minutes movie ever can. This approach causes some of the movie its story elements to just not work out as effective as they potentially could have had.For instance, in the middle of the movie our main character is forced to go to an insane asylum, to put it boldly, and once she is in there but also after she gets out, all of her relatives and those around her that love her are not really supporting her at all. Instead they are still being very suspicious of her and it actually seems as if she is the only 'normal' person and everyone else is actually being the crazy one. Not sure if this was intentional or not but either way, it doesn't feel very natural. It perhaps even feels a tad bit forced, since it seems to put in to get behind the main character and sympathize for her completely, in the movie its second half and to make us 'forget' all of those horrible and weird things she did in the movie its first half.But all complaining aside, this was still a movie that got well done and remains a perfectly watchable one, within its genre. It's also a classy made movie, that is a good looking one and actually really had a budget to spend, which is a real positive thing for a Dutch movie.It's a movie that is relying and building on its actors and their performances. It must had given the movie a real boost that it managed to get Carice van Houten for the lead role, also not in the least because this would be reason for the movie to receive more attention and publicity then an average other Dutch genre movie would get. But of course they must have been also more than pleased to get her simply because she is such a fine actress, who has proved lots of time that she can completely carry a movie on her own. But this can also be a bit of a danger at times, since it can put the other actors of the movie completely in her shadow. But luckily this isn't the case with this movie at all and it has one fine, solid, supporting cast as well and also Waldemar Torenstra in good form as the husband.A good and totally watchable movie, despite some of my criticism about it.7/10