The Harry Hill Movie

2013 "Get ready to enter the mind of..."
3.9| 1h25m| PG-13| en

Harry Hill embarks on a road trip to Blackpool with his Nan when he discovers that his hamster only has one week to live.


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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
krhysd "Based on a true story." Understanding this is key to fully appreciating the joy, soul and craftsmanship that went into creating this gem.The film works as a stand alone piece in itself - the teenagers I watched it with gave it an average rating of 7.5 - covering the full spectrum of types of comedy from slapstick to satire.Being of a similar age to Harry, I was exposed to the same kind of visual entertainment as a child in 70's Britain. So, in addition to the wonderfully surreal world that this genius envelopes himself in, I was able to cherish the the way he weaved in references drawn from a wide range of cultural tropes such as the Children's Film Foundation, American cartoons, black and white adventure films shown on afternoon t.v., The Goodies, pantomime, and public information films amongst others.Overall, a fantastical masterpiece richly deserving the honour bestowed on him by the University of Kent.
officialgamingkings The humour was alright in this film, but it lacked adult humour. Harry Hill tried to aim at kids with this film, and not his general audience.It was a silly story and made out Harry Hill as very annoying, Simon Pegg was amazing as a villain in this, and the other tall guy, I can't remember his name, sorry was brilliant. The problem was the main villain was the most boring character in the movie.It will make more sense if you have watched TV Burp, but because it is aimed at kids, it just doesn't make sense, kids aren't going to have watched TV Burp! Adults may find a few laughs, but other than that, the movie is mediocre.
pmedinacorreo Excellent laugh. Why watch and rate this movie if you don't like "traditional" British non-sense surreal humor, which is genius just for its mere existence...: trying to set conventional logic and thinking on fire with the kind of best ever "freeforming" humor you would share with some friends after some drinks, creating ridiculous situations and characters.The people that made this movie, obviously, sincerely like and do want to entertain people, not indulge themselves achieving any high score on any commercially safe and traditional kind of humor. What here also should be mentioned is that the photography, cgi, mastering is of astonishing, much superior than expected level for a comedy-slash-musical- jokes&puppets-movie, which shows again the sovereignty that British filmmakers and broadcasters can flip out of their pocket without even taking it to serious themselves. I cant believe i nearly missed the laugh due to the ratings here, which from now on i surely wont take anymore as an orientation.
john-917-779947 First of all i liked harry hill doing TV burp he was funny. Now he is dead to me he does not make me laugh like he used to. The film makes no sense and its just as bad as Keith lemon the film (oh the horror of that film). This movie has to be as bad as transformers 2. Julie Walters has good in her career but now she went the wrong way in acting. Harry hill's credit to comedy is gone like the hair on his head. Harry hills TV burp will never be the same again. The reason i give this movie 2 stars out of 10 is because i liked the idea that harry hill wanted to do a movie instead of just TV.Bad bad bad bad bad bad. This movie is so bad it makes Adam sanders jack and Jill look a wee bit good. Bad bad bad bad bad bad. If you liked this movie you either 1 love bad comedy's or 2 don't have a life and you laugh at anything.