That was an excellent one.
Amateur movie with Big budget
Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
How do movies like this get made.I thought the film was being ironic and then I realized this soulless work was serious. OMG the writing was nearly as bad as the acting. There was nothing that made me feel any of the characters were human. Nothing redemptive no arc no aspects of what we all recognize in ourselves. The costumes were great and some of the music was well done but honestly whoever made this has some serious issues. A lot was taken from Brett Easton Ellis but Less than Zero personified a pariah in our culture and did it stylishly well. This did not have the depth the insight or the existential aspect of alienation. This film left me angry for giving it a shot and feeling as empty as the narrative.
Picked this up from my local Blockbuster (one wonders how long one can make that statement) as nothing else was available and I had the freebie. According to IMDb it comes out in 2009 and Blockbuster has it coming out in 2011. In any event it's 2012 (barely) and just finished watching a very well done indie film about life of young people in Hollywood. All the elements of a good movie are here including terrific acting on all accounts. This is not some sloppy poor done crap. Everything was done about as well as can be expected from what had to have been a limited budget. The lighting and cinematography were first rate. The sound guy(s) did an excellent job. The score was OK, but, this reviewer has little knowledge of what makes good music nowadays so I'll put that out there. For me, a good movie is one that is believable. I don't care if it's Star Wars or Blazing Saddles, if some plot hole makes it ridiculous than the time invested is wasted. So, while I say that it does have one particular sin, but the acting and direction were so well done that I can overlook that caveat.As for what this movie is about, it's a character study and the movie is done in vignette style, with each piece focusing on most but not all of the characters. It is also done a little out of sync, but it all makes sense in the end.I liked it. Didn't love it. But figured that with so much garbage out there a tip of the hat to something that is not is worth my effort.I didn't recognize any of the actors but they were all nice looking so it's doubtful that any of them would not want this piece to show up on their resume. They all did a very credible job and the final cut was very, very well done.