The Headless Rider

6.5| 1h40m| en

The film takes place in 1850, Texas, United States. Louise, daughter of the wealthy plantation owner Poindexter, master of the hacienda Casa del Corvo, falls in love with a poor mustanger Maurice Gerald. The night their secret rendezvous happens, her brother Henry disappears. Suspicion in murder falls on Gerald, who was found covered in blood, with signs of struggle on the body and on Henry's cloak. One more minute, and an angry crowd would have Gerald lynched, but then the mysterious Headless Horseman appears...


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SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
berberian00-276-69085 O.K. Let me try to gather myself. I may be getting old and drowsy in front of the computer but the case of Captain Mayne Reid and his lifetime shouldn't be forgotten for the generations to come. How is it possible that one Karl May is recognized by whole Germany as a national hero, while similarly outspoken and convincing novelist Mayne Reid (1818 – 1883) is totally forgotten. For instance, he should have been twice celebrity in both Ireland (an inborn country) and Texas (where his most popular novels evolve). Nope, I didn't find his name referenced neither in Irish or Texan literature. What a shame!Further extrapolate my ideas on Mayne Reid. The small notice in Wikipedia is taken from Encyclopedia Britannica and is completely inadequate. It contains spoiler for "Headless Horseman" novel (and film) because most tantalizing end episodes are missing where bullet with name of the killer (Cassius Calhoun) are found in the beheaded corpse strapped to saddle. I will refrain from further comments to my Russian friends. The movie was beautifully shot in Cuba yet someone would admit that it could have been made in America. The Russians didn't produce much worthwhile cinema for 50 years period; though, this movie should be remembered and have to be released on video. Also, the Russians deserve tribute for translating the whole heritage of Captain Mayne Reid (in 20 volumes) with beautiful illustrations. It is from the old Russian translation (Tsar's Russia) that we have here the information on the author at hand. Period!Let me continue a bit more. I Googled extensively on the Net and finally found something authentic on the issue - "Memoir of his Life" by Elizabeth Reid (n.d.) Here anyone can read the biography of the author, many useful details and extras. I will dare a single contention on one of his most intriguingly written novels, the "White Gauntlett" (1863). This is a historical romance of the time of Charles the First, when Catholics and Protestants wars were waged in Europe of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. While neither better nor worse than the novels by Walter Scott, the former is crowned as patriarch of English adventure novel while Mayne Reid is nobody.I will finish the privilege to write on the author. Common error to any plot or scenario for good movie (or novel much the same) is lack of geographical location. Thus very seldom novels and some of the movies give maps for the exact whereabouts of the narrative. Specifically for Westerns treating the frontier life in early American Republic, the field is blank area in my opinion. I reckon most of the stories developed along the great American rivers and then came the American caravan trails. So long!
friendag-1 It is very romantic excellent movie. It was badly copied for TV but in movie theater it was great. I didn't see it on DVD. Headless Horseman is very scary...The movie made in Cuba, it deserves a credit for nice pictures of nature, very beautiful actors. It was against racism, greed and very human. If you criticize that movie, you should give an example of which you compare it with. It is Russian classics, it was enormously popular and for that time it was technologically advanced. A lot of actors went unknown but Oleg Vidov was a star Many young man were envious for him It could be the case of the previous dude The story is completely unknown in US. So is the writer. You cannot rent it
icet2004 Mayne Reid is one of greatest writers of all time without a question. Mayne Reid novel "The Headless Horseman" has been always popular in Estonia.I like The Headless Horseman.That's true that camera was sometimes bad,but actors were good.Isidora Kavarubiya's actor Eslinda Núñez was beautiful and Luiza Pojndekster's actor was beautiful too.Calhoun's actor Aarne Üksküla was good too. he is Estonian actor.Fara Maria is good singer(Isidora's singing voice) actually Russian movies are not my cup of tea,but i like Vsadnik Bez Golovy(The Headless Horseman),Nochnoy Dozor(Night Watch),Brat(Brother) and i really like Brigada(serial 2002),but my father and mother loves Solyaris by Tarkovsky.
Tootoos The Mayne Reid novel "The Headless Horseman" has been always very popular in Russia. I read this fine book at the age of thirteen and even now I read it sometimes. What we see in the picture is a bad camera working (sometimes actors can't be seen as they stand out of camera), bad acting and terrible ending (very hilarious). Also the Headless Horseman is simply ridiculous.