The Hellcats

1968 "The cycle-gang gals... scratching... clawing any guy who gets in their way!"
1.9| 1h30m| R| en

The brother and fiancee of a dead policeman infiltrate a female-led biker gang to uncover his murderer.


Producted By

Crown International Pictures


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Also starring Tony Lorea


ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Zeegrade Hellcats is an incoherent mess where the plot becomes secondary to the superfluous drug-addled parties thrown by the motorcycle gang. Ross Hagen is Sgt. Monte Chapman whose brother was recently murdered while he was investigating the Hellcats in some capacity. I watched the original movie instead of the one featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000 and I still had an incredibly hard time deciphering the plot. Monte then decides to go undercover with his brother's fiancé and find out who is responsible for the murder. This is where the movie completely falls apart. The endless parties are filled with late sixties drug slang and lame expressions of machismo. One such race between a Hellcat and a rival gang member is enacted off screen with the end resulting in a fistfight that is stopped when Monte jumps in a says "Peace brothers!". After an even lamer competition to prove Monte's toughness is passed he soon becomes a free-wheeling Hellcat complete with bedding any woman you want. Can't say I can argue with that perk. The women are pretty hot especially Sharyn Kinzie as the tough-as-nails redhead Sheila. Sheila begins to trust Monte and lets him in on their business ventures. At this point I wished that I was on some of the hallucinogenic drugs they took at one of their roughly 7,000 parties that week. To make things worse Tony Cardoza makes an appearance as a painter in the middle of the woods. Thankfully he doesn't speak. This is a bad movie though I have seen far worse. Frightening, I know.
tavm Before watching the MST3K version, I prepared myself to watch the original trailer and uncut version on the same DVD. The movie proper is meandering concerning plot, dialogue, and especially action scenes especially when a bike race is only heard while we're seeing close-up after close-up of what seems like bored spectators. There's also a couple of drunken/stoned orgy scenes that was probably the main reason for The Hellcats existence. You see some excitement at the end but by that time you'll simply be glad when it's all over. So unless you're curious about these late '60s drive-in fare, I wouldn't recommend this movie. Just the MST3K version will do for me which I'm going to review next...
zombizombizombi This movie is one of the best bad movies ever I love this one.So over the top cheesiness you got to love the soundtrack its a 60s trippy/Beatles music or something like that!Also I hella dig the characters you got six pack, snake, zombie, and much more out their characters the dialog is cheese perfection you will chuckle a lot man they don't make movies like they did back then this movie is available threw BCI its apart of their Welcome to the grindhouse DVDs on the DVD is this one if course and another exploitation classic Chain Gang Women!!It looks like a lot of people hate this movie I think this movie is to fun to hate how can you not like this movie if your a fan of b-movies and exploitation check it out and don't listen to the haters this is the best movie on the bottom 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lemon_magic "The Hellcats" is the very archetype of a 60's exploitation movie. Driven by a wafer-thin plot about a guy who goes undercover with a biker gang to find his brother's killer, this movie is really just an excuse to shoot endless scenes of people riding and riding and riding and riding their motorcycles until you develop sympathy saddle soreness yourself. When the camera isn't pointed at someone riding a cycle, it's filming a drunken blow-out where various members insert heroin into various orifices, shot-gun beer bongs, dance the 'jerk', and grope each other (in a PG fashion); meanwhile the soundtrack plays random cheesy songs by bands who make the "Loving Spoonful" and the "Small Faces" sound like Motorhead. To tell the truth, none of it looks like a lot of fun. Seriously, I think I'd rather do push ups on Parris Island in the blazing sun than lie wasted on cheap beer on a scabby couch in the middle of a meadow while listening to Davey Jones babble on about "Mass Confusion", at least the way "Hellcats" portrays it.Back to the plot...Ross Hagen plays a 'Rent A Center' version of either Steve McQueen or Paul Newman; he wins the gangs' respect by um, I'm not has to do with breaking up a fight and not being torn in half by a motorcycle three-wheeler, and generally coming across like Motorcycle Biker-Gang royalty, so he's really like Tarzan of the Apes (another white boy who beat the Poor Dumb Natives at their own game). He finds the Mr. Big Mafia type who supplies the gang, and when the chips are down, the Hellcats come to the rescue and turn on the Mafia guys either because they like Hagen or because they figured out that the Mafia guys shot their original leader (I still can't figure out which).The movie also features Lyle Waggoner in a confusing bit part (similar to his role as a heavy in 'Catalina Caper'). I guess this is how he paid the rent before the "Carol Burnett Show". There are also a bunch of people who showed up in the Coleman Francis movies. While this movie is at LEAST as stupid as "Five The Hard Way" (another Ross Hagen vehicle from that era), this movie at least has a lighter touch, a less claustrophobic story line, and features a happy ending of sorts. Still it's for fans of the genre only - I can't imagine anyone who isn't into 60's biker films and exploitation movies enjoying this. Quentin Tarantino, are you listening????