The Helpers

2013 "Can we help you?"
4.2| 1h21m| NR| en

Seven friends from Sacramento, California head out on a documented road trip to Las Vegas. Their trip takes a very unexpected turn for the worse when their back tires mysteriously blow out. A couple miles down the road, they find a little gas station Diner/Motel, run by the most friendly, polite and "helpful" people. It appears that their problems are solved, but boy are they wrong! When convinced by "The Helpers" to stay overnight, the friends all wake up in their rooms to a new kind of gruesome and bloody terror!


Producted By

Brian Barrett Pictures


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CommentsXp Best movie ever!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Poptart_Psycho Christ Stokes did an okay job there's so many of these movies popping up. The plot was simple but it doesn't deter you from the film itself. Yes there is gore so for those who enjoy that there are a few specific scenes .The begin shows news footage of an orphanage burning down A group of friends are travelling to Las Vegas for a holiday, whilst driving the tyres pop. With no signal the group decide to walk. And cliché enough they walk to a motel restaurant which has a side garage.Whilst there they are met by 4 seemingly friendly owners who fix their car. When fixed the owners offer them a free stay as its dark. Agreeing a huge party takes place. As morning hits some are up and ready to leave but others are tied up in torturous positions, and try to break free and save each other.The ending has a decent twist possibly predictable if you payed attention at the beginning but regardless watchable at the best
iamtherobotman Are there people who are actually this stupid?? It started off not too bad but very quickly became unbelievably stupid and moronic. The couple who "escaped" only to meet the proprietor of the establishment on the road and actually believe he didn't have a hand in what was happening was the final nail in this movies coffin for me.I'm getting increasingly tired of Horror movies with zero substance, incredibly stupid characters and a plot which makes no sense what-so-ever.Please, someone make a decent Horror film soon. I love the genre but the lack of quality is beginning to wear me out.
bowmanblue Sometimes you have to wonder whether there are any American teenagers left in the country. Another car-load of them has only gone and broken down in the middle of nowhere and found themselves fall foul of... whatever the latest crop of psychos lie in wait for them.It's nothing new, but then horror has little 'new' left in it, but at least we can hope for an entertaining ride. Sadly, 'entertaining' isn't a word I'd use to describe 'The Helpers.' The word I'd use is 'annoying.' We're used to annoying teenagers running right back into the clutches of the killers instead of sprinting for the hills as fast as they can. But, here we have not just the stupidest seven teenagers ever (yes, expect all the clichés, i.e. not bothering to actually kill the baddies, only running away leaving them to get up again and continue the pursuit), but also the most annoying baddies ever.It's actually hard to tell the difference between the annoying teens being stalked and the annoying teen killing them. It's like a convention of shrieking MTV presenters being doused in red paint. The killers have no credibility about them. They're not scary, just irritating. And their backstory regarding why they're like they are doesn't really hold up.Then, to add final insult to injury, the film-maker includes many sections of 'found footage.' If you don't know what that is, then you obviously haven't been watching enough low budget horror movies these days. It's basically the most overused technique in film-making that allows a slender budget to try and be stretched to the breaking point.The Helpers adds nothing new to the horror genre. It borrows elements of far better films, such as Hostel, The Hitchhiker and Vacancy. My advice: watch one of them instead.
lil_dude6666 I have just finished watching this film and to be honest I was very impressed. The acting was better than average and the plot kept me watching till the very end. I must add though that the film is very sick but if you like that sort of thing you should be OK. The story is somewhat simple but that does not distract you from the events within the movie. Having seen the IMDb rating of only 4.4 i was very shocked as in my opinion i would definitely rate it a 7.5. Hope to the see the director make another film soon. Having watched a lot of the b rated horror movies lately for example Hold your breath which in my opinion was utter rubbish, the acting was atrocious and the storyline appalling. Please watch this movie(The helpers) as it is well worthy of only 77mins of your precious time.