Excellent, a Must See
Absolutely Fantastic
Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
It was a good documentary. I was excited to see Whitley Strieber being interviewed. The people interviewed were very articulate and presented their stories quite well.The documentary itself was also quite well done. This however might be a bit too much for a person unfamiliar with the cover up to handle. The sheer number of people interviewed that were or are military and government professionals adds a lot of weight to the documentary in my opinion.The only criticism I have is the inclusion of David Icke. To anyone who has seriously looked into this information in the past knows that Icke is a hack and quite possibly insane. I probably would have given this an 8 if he wasn't in it.
One of the best documentaries I've ever seen about the alien phenomenon. Packed full of reputable sources: physicists, former CIA agents, astronauts, military personnel, multiple defense ministers from various countries and many more commenting on their own work and experience on the subject, and their first hand accounts. A lot of this footage is highly correlated with many other shows I've seen on the subject, including testimony from abductees themselves, to testimony from the highly reputable sources. After seeing this, it's hard not to believe! There's just too many people out there experiencing so many similar experiences. Some people that complain about this documentary are the kinds of people that will believe anything until it happens to them personally, which is extremely closed minded.
I really do not have too much to say except that this movie may be liked by people with IQs south of 75. This movie does try to convince the viewer that super intelligent alien life forms exist. This is actually not far fetched but the way they go about trying to prove it is hilarious. Whats really mind numbing is that this movie tells you that these super intelligent beings with their advanced technology somehow kidnap random people to probe their orifices and then return them back. These super beings also do not want to reveal that they exist and hence hide from intelligent humans while trying to reveal their existence to obscure people by kidnapping, experimenting with and then returning them. ....well..I rest my case.
Usual cast of silly characters, publicity hounds, psychotic 'abductees', and authors looking to sell more books. What is interesting is there really are people walking around this earth so deluded. We must be grateful that the ex-military presented never had keys to the nuclear arsenal.No evidence presented, but many of the cast looked as though a tornado just tore up their double-wide in the Spooky Acres Trailer Park and Abductee Center.It's the same UFO stories repeated ad nauseam since the 1940s. Most of the contactees appear to have a larger shoe size than IQ.Here's the far-fetched mindset of these self-deluded hucksters, PSI fakes, abductees, and the other True Believers. You're from another planet. Your technology is far beyond anything we can imagine. You come to earth. Rather than find the brilliant scientists, philosophers, thinkers, inventors, and other luminaries at any given time throughout history you decide to contact and abduct only the ignorant, simple-minded, mentally deficient, and the most paranoid psychotics you can find. Then, for generations, you stay with that same family of sub-par mental misfits for experimentation and breeding purposes.Makes perfect sense. Find the dumbest people on earth. There's a light-speed trip worth taking.There probably is other intelligent life in this universe. Unfortunately, there is no intelligent life in this movie.Do not eat or drink while watching this movie as you might choke from laughing.For the record, I'm a reptilian overload from the planet Kzrgqwl and Barack Obama is also reptilian. I have the same evidence to prove my claims as the people in this movie.