The Hollywood Bowl

7.9| 0h8m| NR| en

Tom is conducting a symphony at the Hollywood Bowl when Jerry comes out to co-conduct.



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MGM Cartoon Studio


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NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Tweekums As this short opens Tom walks out to conduct and orchestra of cats at the Hollywood Bowl; not long after they begin Jerry emerges from his mouse hole ready to conduct as well. He climbs up onto the music stand in front of Tom and starts conducting. Tom doesn't want the mouse taking over and puts him in his jacket; Jerry just emerges from one cuff then the other to conduct some more. As the cartoon progresses they continue to try to stop each other conducting; all the while the orchestra continue to play perfectly. Ultimately only one of them can continue as conductor and we can all guess who that will be! This was a fun short where the action went perfectly with the music (Die Fledermaus). As one would expect there is a fair amount of cartoon violence; Jerry is flattened between a pair of cymbals and Tom gets run over by a bus! There are also a good number of gentler gags; I liked seeing the two dancing together and the way Jerry's mouse hole mirrored the design of the Hollywood Bowl was fun. The story may be fairly minimal but that doesn't matter when it is as fun to watch and listen to as this.
movieman_kev Tom the cat is conducting an orchestra at the Hollywood Bowl with some unwanted help from Jerry the mouse, which needless to say aggravates Tom. One of the few times that Tom gives as good as he gets, well almost. While this animated short isn't as good as the earlier "Cat Concerto", it's still fun and a joy to watch, in my humble opinion. And a million times better then the sugar coated homogenized crap that passes for kid's cartoons now a days. This hilarious classic cartoon can be found on disc two of the Spotlight collection DVD of "Tom & Jerry" My Grade: A-
Bo Brandt This cartoon is well made and excellently orchestrated. Music and gags go well hand in hand. This being said, I found the cartoon extremely boring. It is short on good gags and laughs.
Bilstein 6 year olds, 85 year olds, geography teachers, members of the Royal Family, tramps, beggars, millionaires, everyone. Everyone knows Tom and Jerry. Everyone. It is a rare phenomenon. Wonderfully drawn, fantastic music effects, side-splittingly funny. Something so popular, there were attempts to ban it, at one point. How did they make it so good?I'm going to put a lot of the credit at Fred Quimby's door, and give kudos to Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera as well. Every good Tom and Jerry cartoon had 'Produced by Fred Quimby' somewhere in the credits. The brief bit of trivia on him says that he was despised by Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera, and he constantly got into arguments with them. All I can say is, whatever he did, however he got those cartoons produced, he did it perfectly, because every single one of them is well above average, and has more than a fair share of laughs.After Quimby, the cartoons that were both produced and directed by Hanna Barbera were also of an excellent standard, although subsequent producers, particularly Chuck Jones, did the name of Tom and Jerry no good at all. When you think of Tom and Jerry, Fred Quimby's name on it is the seal of approval.As far as the animation goes, the expressions in particular were just exquisite, and frequently were they the source of the many laughs that each and every episode contained. The way they could suddenly change. When Tom is conducting, watch for the part when Jerry keeps tugging at his tuxedo, and pleading with him. The urge was fortunately resisted to give Tom and Jerry proper, full-time speaking voices throughout Quimby's days in charge, instead just letting either character speak when it suited the part.Up to a few weeks ago, I'd known Tom and Jerry as something to watch if it came on, because it was reasonably funny. But when I visited America recently, and watched Tom and Jerry for a full hour on the Cartoon Network every day, I realised just how good it was. The two best Tom and Jerry cartoons are 'Hollywood Bowl', and 'Cat Concerto'. They are the best cartoons in the Tom and Jerry range and considering all of Quimby's were excellent, that really is saying something.How exactly it is that a cat and mouse who hate each other, and spend most of their lives trying to kill each other, stayed so successful, and NEVER lost ANY of the humour under Quimby, I will never fully know, and I think MGM may have pondered on it themselves (look for the episode 'Life with Tom'). The facts are: Tom and Jerry was started over 60 years ago, and Quimby's last was made in 1955. There were attempts to ban it, thanks to a woman named Mary Whitehouse, but she is dead, and Tom and Jerry lives on, as well known as it ever was. All that remains is for me to say good riddance to Whitehouse, and long live Tom and Jerry!