The House on Cuckoo Lane

2014 "What if one video nasty lived up to its reputation"
4.3| 1h22m| en

An obsessive film collector seeks a rumored art film, at some risk to himself.



Producted By

Devil's Wax Productions


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
GazerRise Fantastic!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
shawnblackman A horror buff goes to extreme lengths to obtain a copy of a fabled snuff film he knows exist. You don't look for this film... it looks for you! This one had a cool premise but quickly falls flat by the director repeating the same scenes over and over. The bunny mask on scantily clad women holding knives has been done before so no real creativity. You do see some classic horror exploitation titles throughout.