The Inhabitants

3.9| 1h30m| en

A young couple gets more than they bargained for when they buy an historic bed and breakfast in New England only to discover that the old house is hiding a dark secret within its walls.


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Sinister Siblings Films


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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Phillida Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Michael Ledo A couple buys the March Carriage House bed and breakfast in New England. The house has a history of a midwife hung as a witch for killing children. Soon Lydia (India Pearl) becomes possessed by the home and inhabitants but never becomes as scary as the DVD cover.Film was rather boring. Nothing new. Made for TV quality.Guide: No f-bombs. Brief sex. Avoids nudity. Bra/panties/ back shots.
Tom Dooley The plot is one that has been done before – it is the haunted house scenario where previous misdemeanours still lurk as a stain on the soul of the property. The house here is an old New England home that is now a Bed and Breakfast but used to house an alleged midwife cum witch, child killer.Enter Dan and Jess to buy the place. Dan has to go on a business trip and when he returns his erstwhile loving wife has turned cold and uncaring. He soon finds out that the house has a few secrets and so sets about finding out what happened in the past to cause such occurrences in the now. The perennial question is always, will he find out before it is too late?Well the problem with horror is that fans expect an awful lot of a genre where it has basically been done before. It is hard to get a new twist and, even if you do, it then has to translate as 'horrific' or have some truly scary fright scenes. As we become more inured to slasher and gore fests so we tend to want more 'frights' and actually this scored quite highly there.It actually gave me goose bumps more than once, but it does suffer from lack of characters. We don't get any back story of the couple either or enough time to get some positive feelings for the couple in the 'empathy bank', which means we are not going to care enough when bad stuff happens. The music is good though at atmosphere enhancement but it is started off by being 'spooky' and carried on throughout – we could have done with some variety or the tension starts to become the norm and therefore has less impact. Acting here is fine for a budget film – Michael Reed as Dan being rather good and directors the Rassmussen brothers have made a rather good effort which they say was a labour of love and that comes through. Not the best horror ever but a million blood drenched miles from the worst and for an independent effort there is plenty here to applaud.
prth_gswm Before watching The Inhabitants I had almost zero expectations but it turned out to be a super scary ride.I still remember the day when it was first uploaded in a torrent site and i ignored it but somewhere down the line on my mind i had a doubt on my decision because the cover art was looking promising to me then all of a sudden i changed my mind and downloaded it later i realized that my previous decision of not downloading it was wrong.The story revolves around a couple gets more than they bargained for when they buy an historic bed and breakfast in New England only to discover that the old house is hiding a dark secret within its walls.The story sounds familiar to every haunted house movie but execution here is different from the rests.It has a lot of jumps and scares.The creepy atmosphere is terrifying and scary looking spirit backfires.Trust me i found this movie to be one of the scariest movie since The Conjuring. If you love to watch scary movies with not much gore in it then The Inhabitants is perfectly made for you. So what are you waiting for? Just give it a go. Strongly Recommended.
Flow I've seen this movie more times than I can count. And I can count to infinity! Or so I was told.Well, I never approved to the sentence "you've seen this movie before", yet, The Inhabitants brings absolutely nothing new on the table. It is the same old story, about a haunted house, where things happen exactly as you would imagine, ends the same and that's about it. Lousy effects, poor acting, weak dialogue, extremely over used plot and most likely 90 minutes wasted. Without stretching it too far, this particular movie wouldn't scare anyone even in the 70's to be honest. And it is a horror movie!Cheers!