The Jeffrey Dahmer Files

2013 "He lived next door."
6.3| 1h16m| en

An experimental documentary film that uses archival footage, interviews, and fictionalised scenarios to tell the story of the people around Jeffrey Dahmer during the summer of his arrest in 1991.



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Good / Credit Productions


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Console best movie i've ever seen.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
chris This is a chilling and interesting insight into the case of Jeffrey Dahmer - a man who committed unbelievably appalling murders. It chooses to focus on the people who surrounded his life leading up to, and after the horrific discovery of the murders. The documentary is able to convey the absolute horror of the situation through interviews with neighbours and detectives. Most of the footage contains interviews with Detective Pat Kennedy - who was initially with Dahmer after his arrest - and you can still feel Pat's utter bewilderment as he recalls the events. You can still sense his adrenaline as he recalls the aftermath and there is a clear sense of excitement within him as opposed to the utter horror one would expect. It's also interesting to see how it affected his life after, in both positive and negative ways. Where I think it falls a little short as a documentary is the lack of clear narration as to what was happening. Due to a lack of actual footage hypothetical re-enactments were used that did well to convey Dahmers apparent alcoholism - but didn't offer much more of an insight into his character and his motivations. I know that this was not the aim of the documentary - but I think it would have added more to help the viewer to try and begin to make sense of witnessing the re-construction of a situation that was inhumanely senseless.
Michael_Elliott The Jeffrey Dahmer Files (2012)*** (out of 4) Good, if at times uneven, documentary taking a look at three people who were close to Jeffrey Dahmer at the time he was arrested for what turned out to be one of the most shocking crimes in American history. This documentary features interviews with the neighbor Pamela Bass, the medical examiner Jeffrey Jentzen and most interesting is Pat Kennedy, the detective who talked with Dahmer after his arrest and got the confession. The film also has actor Andrew Swant playing Dahmer during a few scenes as we see him on a day-to-day basis as he carries out certain acts of his crimes. THE JEFFREY DAHMER FILES isn't your typical documentary and perhaps that's a good thing. I will admit that at first it was a little strange seeing how the film went back and forth between the documentary aspect and the docu-drama but once you got comfortable with it the film flowed much better. At just 76-minutes the thing never wears out its welcome and in fact I think that a longer running time probably would have helped matters as there are all sorts of questions that aren't answered. I think the highlights of the film involve the detective as he gives a first-hand account of how Dahmer was acting after being arrested and what it finally took for him to realize that his days were over as a free man and that he might as well start talking. I thought the relationship the two men formed was quite interesting and these stories are certainly the best in the film. The neighbor aspect wasn't nearly as interesting but she does answer a few good questions like what it was like having someone like this murdering people just feet away from her.
gavin6942 An experimental documentary film that uses archival footage, interviews, and fictionalized scenarios to tell the story of the people around Jeffrey Dahmer during the summer of his arrest in 1991.I like how they emphasized that Dahmer was a white guy in the black neighborhood, an wish this could have been explored more. Those not familiar with Milwaukee may not realize how incredibly segregated it is.I further appreciated the story of the shirt, and plenty of other behind the scenes details from Detective Pat. Some may find it boring, but I think the idea of Pat just talking for two hours would be fascinating. He probably has other non-Dahmer stories to tell.Using an actor to portray Dahmer was interesting. At first it seemed silly and unnecessary, but I understand why they went with it -- if you do not have the footage, you have to fill the screen with something.
JustCuriosity Jeff had its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival. The film paints an intriguing, even provocative, portrait on a man whose actions place him among pantheon of the most evil figures of our times alongside the Nazis in our collective memory. The use of interviews with a neighbor, a police investigator and a medical examiner paints a compelling picture of the events surrounding the arrest and prosecution of Jeffrey Dahmer. They also show us how the revelation of his crimes affected those around him. The interviews paint a powerful picture and deliver a solid portrait of the serial killer that provides us with interesting insights into Dahmer's twisted mind and personality.However, the other aspect of Jeff is more problematic. The director felt the need to supplemental the interviews by recreating everyday aspects of Dahmer's life using actors to show bits and pieces of his daily life as he shops for stuff that he'll need to carry out his vicious crimes. These scenes present the absolute ordinariness and in-distinctiveness of Dahmer. The phrase that kept going through my mind was Hannah Arendt's famous phrase "the banality of evil" which she used to describe Adolf Eichmann during his Israeli war crimes trial. The director and writers seem to be trying to do something similar in this film. The problem is that in so doing they are taking the dangerous step of merging fact and fiction. It is unclear whether they are attempting to recreate actual events or just imagine how Dahmer might have behaved based on their own speculations. The line between reality and imagination has becomes very blurry when you mix documentation with dramatization.