The Ketchup Effect

5.4| 1h30m| R| en

A teenager's reputation is destroyed when she falls asleep drunk at a party and some boys take provocative photos of her.


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Also starring Amanda Renberg


WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
trvevang I'm going to start with the one and only alright thing: The Ketchup.Then skip to the review. It sends an important message, but this is not done right.It has bad and random music. It is unrealistic. Bad casting (it is not highly believable that these people are 12-13 years old). There are moments where I spotted bad acting. This is going to sound horrible, but when she jumped out of the window, she should have broken more bones and possibly (sorry) died. Making her survive could send a message about, oh you have to jump higher to die. I probably sound crazy.The unrealistic teacher that works on a SWEDISH school made me just really want to walk out of the room. Sweden's school system would hire more realistic teachers. If you' wonder what teacher it was, it was the one that said "He likes you, that was probably the reason he touched your, you know. Boys are less evolved at your age!". That part wasn't funny, just bad.About the music: What. The. Hell. Very random. Unfitting. Just bad.The reason it gets a 3/10 instead of 2/10 or 1/10 is A: because of the ketchup. B: Sympathy points. Don't give it 10/10 because it has an important message.Now that I am done with that I can tell you that it is a bad movie. Sorry if I sound crazy, I am not.I just didn't like it and I still don't.
gest1969 ... this was NOT a good teenage movie: this was a good movie, period! A very good movie. Looks like there is a very fine tradition for intelligent and sensible teenage movies on the make right now in Sweden, and I am thinking of Lukas Moodysson's "Show Me Love" (everybody knows the original title I suppose...). Anyway, back to Teresa Fabik's film. Poignant, forceful, amusing, clever, well-structured. Amazing direction, amazing young actors, not to mention a gorgeous Amanda Renberg. With great performances. Not for the faint-hearted who are afraid to face to what their children have to face every day, not for those who are looking for some light-weight entertainment, and certainly not for people who want their movies like their lives: black or white and nothing in between.
henben Maybe it's because I'm not a kid anymore, most wouldn't even consider me that young. In fact, I suppose I'm about the same age as the main characters father and his co-workers at the school his daughter attends and gets lauded with being a whore. It's probably also because my wife is a teacher and that I myself have done some temp-work, in any case this movie really captured me and made me feel very uncomfortable - but in a good way.It's a movie that shows how easily things can go wrong and how hard it is to get rid of a rumour - no matter how untrue. It's also an image of the struggles of friendship. Both I and my wife talked long about the movie after seeing it, discussing who of the characters most corresponded to ourselves as youngsters, how we wish we hadn't been and how hard it is for "adults" to really understand their kids. The movie left us with the hope that we won't treat our kids the same way when they reach the critical age -that WE would be able to listen without prejudice and keep an open mind. This movie is a must-see for all teenagers and their parents, but not together. Teenagers separate, their parents separate. And make sure you have time for a long discussion afterwards - it's worth it.A good solid movie with HUGE young talent in the leading roles.It's even more unsettling when you think that writer/director Fabik has based events on her own experiences. Grade: 4/5
knaalto I saw this movie a couple of days ago with my girlfriend and I must say it is sad but true. The movie that is directed by Teresa Fabik shows that she knows what she is talking about, it's sad and chocking that the society is like this (at least in Sweden). The movie tells the truth that nobody wants to talk about, how girls in schools (not only in schools) have to find themselves as sexual objects that boys/men can do what they please with and then get away with it as common behavior.I would urge all schools in Sweden to show this movie in an educational purpose. I would rate this movie 10/10 no doubt about it.