One of my all time favorites.
I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
An action-packed slog
Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
This excellent movie was filmed in Portland, OR. A Portland attorney wrote the book this movie is based upon. Ed Harris is superior in this movie. A thriller to say the least with twists and turns. A must see. (I can be seen walking past Meshach Taylor (Crosby) at the motel murder scene, as I walk out of camera, I shun a reporter. I was a plain clothes detective (extra)).
George Parker
"The Last Innocent Man" is a predictable, by-the-numbers journeyman tv flick with Harris playing a top criminal attorney who has an affair with the wife of a man whom he later must defend...etc. In it's somewhat long two hour run time this-jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none flick manages to squeeze in murder, investigation, trial, romance, sex, dirty cops, a pimp, a sting, a crazed killer, etc. without distinguishing itself in any particular way. Filler for late night cable.
Proper work, but the the story is fully predictable. So this is an ideal exercise for the low or medium experienced watcher: Stop the tape several times and guess what happens next. I assume you will not be wrong often. Typical 80ies-courtroom-picture. To be let out, if you are only digging for master pieces.