The Last Keepers

5.5| 1h25m| en

This romantic fantasy movie is about two people who are the last survivors of an ancient line of goddess worshipers, who sell art at a shop. When their teenage daughter Rhea falls in love with a poetically inclined boy , she begins to develop magical powers of her own throwing everything into chaos.


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AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
gotfong Nothing about this movie would normally have caught my interest--the subject matter, actors, etc are all outside of my normal "zone." I'm not even sure what made me hit 'play' on Netflix that night, quite frankly. But just as Harry Potter creates its own world with its own characters who draw you in to their version of 'reality', so did this movie somehow convincingly make me want to suspend my protestations and just 'go with it.' I think the two main characters' acting were quite genuinely believable, which helped. The cinematography is also quite lovely, so it gives the viewer something aesthetic to appreciate as well. Yes, I absolutely think the plot (particularly towards the end) was predictable and even clumsy in execution, but again, I found the characters themselves so enjoyable that it didn't bother me for some reason. The supporting cast (people like Olympia Dukakis) also kept a tone of authenticity running through what would otherwise have been a fairly poorly written script. (I only mentioned Harry Potter in an attempt to give an example of an alternate world being put forth in a believable way--the films are not really comparable in any way, aside from the fact that they deal with magical elements… and even those are in a very different way.) If you just want to watch something kind of new and different, with pretty good acting and a plot that's off the beaten path, I actually recommend giving this one a go.
Talia Graceson Where do I begin, the acting was horrible, the only one that could act in this film was the grandmother. And the part where Rhea decided she doesn't want to be an outcast anymore when they kill her goat so she decides to dress normally and all of a sudden shes the Gisele Bundchen of the school and all the guys loves her????That was the most ridiculous thing in the whole movie. Maybe if they got stronger actors and not Shoshana from Girls then it wouldve been alittle better, Agh I only finished the movie because once I start a movie I have to end it no matter how bad, do yourself a favor and save your time, clip your toenails or something, you'd get better satisfaction.
bruinwald I loved this movie!...but not it's ending. It had an amazing cast, the acting was wonderful, the cinematography was more than beautiful and the storyline was totally unique. The only drawbacks were the ending (after the crash) felt clipped, rushed and less interesting and there wasn't enough chemistry between the characters. I felt it was very well acted, but there was not enough dialog and the interactions between characters also felt rushed, (not the fault of the actors), making what could have been an amazing film into something only slightly better that mediocre. Neither light nor dark or even a combination of both. This movie needs a sequel and a director who believes in the message. This story could continue in so many fantastic, empowering directions for young people. I would rather sit for three hours in a theater watching a movie that I didn't want to end than for less than an hour and a half watching something that had a director who just wanted to deliver ANY finished product so that he could collect his the end, that's what this felt like.
alors If you are looking for an entertaining, magical film that will set a good example for 10 to 13 year old girls, THE LAST KEEPERS will not disappoint.The story is about 3 generations of artistic and independent women, who happen to have magical powers. When Rhea Carver is upset. She feels like a freak. Expressing her self artistically makes her the butt of jokes at school. She does not feel better when her mom confesses that - Rhea really is different.LAST KEEPERS is the coming of age story of a 16 year old girl who discovers that she has magical powers. She needs to overcome feeling out of place, in order to understand and master her magical power.The story is both different, and delightful.