This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Brennan Camacho
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Married Baby
Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
I do have to agree with the previous commentators that The Last Sentinal was a bad movie. Is it completely irredeemable? No, the movie does start off decently, Katee Sackhoff is very sexy and her shower scene is the highlight of the film and Keith David makes the most of a role that could have been much more. Unfortunately, The Last Sentinal is a low-budget movie and it really does show with the camera work and editing all over the place. The music is generic with nothing memorable sticking out, while the sound effects frequently overbears everything. Apart from Sackhoff and David, the acting is very flat, and that is including Don Wilson, whose acting consists of lumbering round with one scowling facial expression. They are not helped by their bland cardboard-cutout characters that have no development to them whatsoever and they are often made to look stupid especially the Drone Police. The dialogue is an overload of cheese and triteness, while the action and martial arts sequences were unimaginative with no sense of life, playing too much like a cheap video-game at times, and the pace was dull. The storytelling is full of genre clichés, and is little more than lazy and derivative and an excuse to string action-sequences together. Overall, derivative, dull and cheaply made, not without redeeming qualities but a bad movie and not recommended. 3/10 Bethany Cox
*Spoiler/plot- The Last Sentinel, 2007, A law enforcement related robot teaches a rebel beauty to live and think like a well principled drone.*Special Stars- Don 'The Dragon' Wilson, Katee Sackoff *Theme- Justice should not be left to binary simplistic robotic cops and their programming.*Trivia/location/goofs- Japanese film, extremely low budget demonstrated by the Producer destroying his BMW in a required film plot car crash.*Emotion- A rather crazy film with the low-budget production values or 'no' values. Endless robot and human violence intended for dramatic or emotional shock value. You don't care. A cheap copy of a throwback to the 80's TV shows. Not even of any interest to the viewer. It's very bad. So many better OTHER films dealing with this 'tired' film theme, plot and acting situations.
What's wrong with this movie? Let's start with how it was marketed. Katee Sackhoff is the only identifiable person on the artwork of the DVD and Blu-ray, but she isn't the lead. The tagline about it coming down to one woman is similarly bullshit. Katee's just there so Don Wilson can talk to somebody other than his talking gun. She doesn't affect the plot much.I'm not sure what the title even refers to. Tallis is never called a sentinel in the film, nor would this make any sense. Nobody else is the last of anything as far as I could tell.Next, there's the plot. What the hell happened that made the world go all post-apocalyptic? It has something to do with drone police, but we never really find out what, exactly. Similarly, the premise isn't never really fleshed out properly. What is the eye-computer for, for instance? The execution is even worse. We basically have a bunch of awkwardly garbed bad guys who can't shoot worth crap, which is fortunate as none of the good guys have a lick of sense about fighting. They repeatedly rush the enemy to kill with knives and such or stand out in the open while firing. The editing often resorts to shots that last a fraction of a second during fighting.It gets two stars because the actors, or at least the leads do the best they can with what they are given. Keith David, who's always great gets special recognition here. The supporting actors, particularly the scientist and the propaganda girl are not good.In a better movie, not explaining the apocalypse might be a bold move to strip the genre down to its bare essentials and not distract from whatever the movie was really about, which might be something like what happens to people when civilization goes away. This movie doesn't actually seem to be about anything, save shooting and/or stabbing lots of drones. Frankly, this isn't enough to carry an hour and a half, even if we do get some side-boob along the way.
Good Sci-Fi films are few and far apart. You need loads of money (like Starship Troopers) or inspired, genius film crews (like Cube).This has none of that. The production values are rock bottom, I think the actors probably had to bring their own sandwiches to set.But like most cheap films it is not the lack of money that lets it down. All the sets are over lit and immaculately clean so you can't shake that 'I'm in a studio' feel and the combat scenes (like all cheap movies) consist of a group of extras standing bolt up-right unleashing a hail of bullets to off-screen left, the camera then switches to the good guys crouching behind a barrel firing off-screen right.The good guys blatantly wear bicycle helmets, but no one cared enough to cruise the charity shops long enough to get a vaguely matching set.This film was hampered by bad writing and lack of money, but it was a lack of love and commitment that killed it.Gets a star for a scene where you see Starbuck topless (from behind, in the dark)