The Last Showing

2014 "He Gave His Life to the Movies. Tonight, He'll Take Theirs."
5.1| 1h29m| en

A couple trapped in a cinema are manipulated into becoming unwilling actors in a film being captured by CCTV cameras.


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Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
kayzmanoski This film is one of the extremely rare type of films that relies on complete originality and risk yet makes it into a classic that parallels those of Stephen King such as Carrie in the dynamics of the unravelling of the act, and executing the sinister but brilliant finish. As a film connoisseur I must admit this is one of the rare risks of a film that turns out brilliant, the acting was fine but the concept and the plot of this movie along with the vilanious character will absolutely leave you filled with joy if you like original concepts executed in a classical way, yet still retain a signature of the director's unconventionality and uniqueness. The vilain of this film makes you secretely cheer for him, and I would place the vilain of this film in top 20 vilains of cinema of all times.
Stevieboy666 Robert Englund is a horror legend, every horror fan knows that. However in addition to the likes of Freddy & The Phantom he's also been in a number of bad films, e.g Fear Clinic. Now I wouldn't call this a really bad movie but I just got bored with it & found myself rewinding several times because my mind had gone elsewhere. It can't make up it's mind whether it's a horror movie or a thriller & I found that frustrating. Englund himself gives a decent, creepy performance on the plus side.
jllewell Robert Englund acts everyone off the stage... literally! It could have been better cast as regards the other characters, but I really enjoyed R.E's performance, as I always do. I'm of the firm belief that he's sooo underrated because of Freddy Kruger et al.It's just a shame it wasn't a little more emphatic - I found it wasn't as 'tense' as it should/could have been.I still liked it, and I'm glad I bought it. This ten lines of text thing is sometimes way more than you have to say about a film, and that gets a little wearing, thanks IMDb.This ten lines of text thing is sometimes way more than you have to say about a film, and that gets a little wearing, thanks IMDb.This ten lines of text thing is sometimes way more than you have to say about a film, and that gets a little wearing, thanks IMDb.
bowmanblue Like most horror fans, people will know Robert Englund best for his portrayal as spikey-fingered immortal nut-job, Freddy Kruger. No doubt about it – he was great. Whether he was darkly evil in the first few films, or comically evil in the franchise's dying days, he always turned in a good performance. Which is pretty much why I gave 'The Last Showing' a chance. I wish I hadn't.It's about a couple – the girl from The Inbetweeners 2 and one of the guys from Game of Thrones – who watch a midnight screening of a horror film, only to find that the projectionist (Englund) is intent on making his own – murderous – movie. Sounds good. And, to be fair, the PLOT is. In fact, it could have been so much more. As it is, the two 'good' leads are pretty damn awful. Now, I'm guessing this isn't the actors' fault, as I've seen them both in the afore-mentioned shows and they're both capable of turning in decent performances. They just don't here.I cringed when they were first introduced as they wandered around the empty cinema, spouting *supposedly* knowing social commentary on the state of horror/slasher films in general. Tip to film-makers: just because it worked well in the 'Scream' franchise, doesn't mean it'll work every time.By the time Englund goes off the rails and starts torturing them, we're almost on his side. After all, he is – by far – the best performer in the movie. And he's the nut-job baddie. If you're a massive fan of Englund, you'll probably get more than most out of it. I did enjoy watching him, it's just he wasn't in it enough to really save it from being anything other than a – questionably-acted – B-movie.

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