Some things I liked some I did not.
Absolutely amazing
Sameer Callahan
It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Sarita Rafferty
There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
So, my teenage daughter and I decided to watch this on DVD one lazy Sunday afternoon. We had never heard of it before deciding to watch it. My wife must have picked up an unopened copy of it at a thrift store or else somebody gave it to us for Christmas. Anyhoo, it started out slow, like a movie on the Lifetime channel, but we decided to give it a chance. It had a professional look to it (lighting,sets, etc.), so I thought. maaaayyybbeeee it would find its legs somewhere in the second act, after all, why would someone spend all this money on a pointless production?? Sadly, those legs never unfolded. The principle actors gave good performances, but the supporting actors were weak. The story lacked dramatic turns of any kind. There were many "WTF" story moments where either my daughter or I would shout, "What"? or "I don't get it"?, "That's so lame"!, etc. But the biggest irk was the obnoxious and misplaced use of prayer as battle against the evil forces coming from who-knows-where. The filmmakers must have really had very little respect for Christianity to abuse it in this manner. The viewer has no choice but to conclude that Christian practice is as fictitious and ridiculous as this story/film within which it finds this very absurd expression.
Most of comments here says that The List (2007) is Christian movie. I don't see things like that. All, what I saw is request for praying and some Voodoo-like remote people control. This movie could be acceptable some 800 years ago, but in 21st Century... Main character was in fact not much better than old members of covenant. What he wanted ? Money in first place. To live without working. I can 'forgive' him that wanted girl :-), but is Christian wanting to live without doing anything ? Wanting money of pater, who he disliked ? If this was intended as some Christian propaganda, it could not be done worse. But probably someone took some money for that. For other nonsenses see other comments, forum.
I had the misfortune of seeing this movie while on vacation. It was about the worst movie I've ever seen.While as an atheist, I found the religion stuff to be over the top, that isn't the problem. If you want to see a good movie with religion in it, check out Frailty.My problem was with the story/plot, acting, and direction. Visually, it felt like I was watching a low budget TV movie (was it?). The acting was not so bad as to be funny, it was just totally uninspired. The main issue was the story. When the movie ended, I thought I missed something. NOTHING happened, except ...SPOILER ALERT other than the main character finding his faith, nothing happened. And if the movie is just about somebody re-enforcing his faith, then way have a the whole weird story. I just don't get it.
I just finished watching this movie. It wasn't ridiculously bad, but I'm really disappointed with it. I'm not really sure why someone would make a movie like this. It was marginally entertaining, but I feel like the people making it had a lot of disagreements on what they were making. Monday, the writer was in charge; Tuesday, the director; Wednesday, the guy who gets the coffee; etc. It almost seems like they really wanted to make a couple different movies, but only had the time and money to make one.Someone else commented that the acting was really good, but I'd have to disagree. Then again, if the actors were able to keep a straight face during the filming, perhaps they're better actors than I give them credit for.The back of the DVD gives the impression that the movie would be a mystery... something along the lines of a historical Law and Order or National Treasure. It starts off like that, but then, out of nowhere it takes a turn towards a bad episode of the Twilight Zone, or... what was that other show that wasn't as good... A bad episode of The Outer Limits.My main complaint about the movie is that it is just so played out. There's the evil guy with spiked white hair. There's the love interest, who, when she first appears, the wind actually blows through her hair. Seriously. Once you realize it's a Christian movie, the end is also pretty easy to spot.The cinematography was poorly done, especially in the opening scenes - way to put your best foot forward. It wasn't atrocious for most of the movie, but there was the occasional ridiculously bad shot of an old lady, praying, arms up in a dark room while lightening is striking - the sort of thing that just makes you a little bit embarrassed to be watching the movie.